Rock @
Artist Title Media Label Catalogue# Condition Price Qty
22-Pistepirkko22-Pistepirkko (FIN)12 INCH 45JohannaJHEX 513EX/EX85
38 SpecialRock & Roll Strategy (CAN)LPA&MSP 5218M-/M-7
45 GraveSleep in Safety (US) *LPEnigmaENIGMA 13EX-/M-120
4" Be 2"One of the Lads / Ummbaba (UK) *45IslandWIP 6530VG/VG+6
69 EyesBarbarella / The Hills Have Eyes (FI45Gaga GoodiesGO 25 M-/EX18
69 EyesParis Kills (FIN)CDGaga GoodiesGOOD 47 / 7243 539252 2 2M-/M-5
69 EyesWasting the Dawn (FIN)CDGaga GoodiesGOOD 40 M-/M-5
A Certain RatioSextet (UK) *LPFactoryFact 55EX/EX27.50
AbyssionLuonnon harmonia ja vihreä liekki (bLPSvart / Secret TreesSVR 343SS/SS15
Ackles DavidAmerican Gothic (US)LPElektraEKS 75032VG/EX12
Action PactSurvival of the Fattest (test pressiLPFalloutFALL L.P. 030EX/M-70
Active MindsCapitalism Is a Disease, and Money a7 INCH 33Loony TunesTUNE 21EX/EX5
AC/DCFor Those About to Rock We Salute YoCDAtlantic7567-81463-2M-/EX4
AC/DCPowerage (EU)CDEpic510762 2EX/M-4
Adam and The AntsAntmusic / Fall-in (UK) *45CBSS CBS 9352EX-/EX-3.50
Adam and The AntsKings of the Wild Frontier / Press D45CBSS CBS 8877EX-/EX4
Adam and The AntsPrince Charming / Christian D'or (UK45CBSA 1408/M-4
Adam and The AntsStand and Deliver / Beat My Guest (U45CBSCBS A 1065M-/EX5.50
Adventurers (Rohde Jan & Letkajenkka / Kukkuva kitara (FIN)45Safir45-S 107EX-/EX18
AerosmithGet Your Wings (EU)CDCBS466732 2M-/EX4
AerosmithMake It (= Aerosmith) (EU)CDCBSCD 32203EX/VG+4
AgnesWhen the Night Falls (FIN)CDSony / BMG8 2878 98352 2EX/M-5
Agora (ESP)Entre el tiempo y el espacio: Bombar45Saga (ESP)SX 011EX/EX-15
Ahlqvist PepePepe Ahlqvist H.A.R.P. (FIN)LPDig ItDIGLP 39EX/EX9
AirdashWithout It / White Lies (FIN) *45KerberosKES 186VG+/M-18
Albas LosA la orilla del mar / El dinero no h45Belter08-381M-/M-10
Albatross (IRE)High School Queenie / Too Late Now (45StoicSTS 005/M-15
Albion Band (Albion CountLarkrise to Candleford - A Country TLPCharismaCDS 4020EX-/EX-6.50
Albuquerque Michael deStalking the Sleeper (UK)LPWarner Bros.K 56276VG/EX15
AlienTears Don't Put Out the Fire / Dream45Virgin111 564EX-/EX-5
Allman GreggI'm No Angel (HOL)LPEpicEPC 450392 1EX-/EX-8
Amazing Blondel (Blondel)Mulgrave Street (UK)LPDJMDJLPS 443EX-/EX-7.50
Amen CornerAround Amen Corner (UK)LPDeramSML 1021VG+/VG+15
American BreedBend Me, Shape Me (US)LPActaA-38003G/EX10
AmorphisEclipse (GER)CDNuclear Blast27361 15960M-/EX7
AmorphisStory - 10th Anniversary (FIN)CDSpinefarmSPI 108 CDM-/EX5
AmorphisTales from the Thousand Lakes (FIN)CDSpinefarmSPI 115 CDM-/M-5
AnantaNight and Daydream (UK)LPTouchstoneBBT 112-TM-/EX8
Anderson Jon3 Ships (US)LPElektra60469-1EX-/M-8
Anderson Pete & The ArchiLive! (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 29351 005EX-/M-12
AndroidsLet It All Out / Let It All Out12 INCH 45FlamingoFGMX 014EX/M-15
AndroidsSame as You / New York City (FIN)++45FlamingoFGS 148M-/M-7
AndroidsSame as You // When the Sun Turns to12 INCH 45FlamingoFGMX 012EX/M-15
AngeBy the Sons of Mandrin (FRA)LPPhilips9101 160EX-/EX-130
Angel WitchSweet Danger / Flight Nineteen (fact45EMIEMI 5064/M-20
Angie (Porter Angela)Peppermint Loop / Breakfast in Naple45StiffBUY 51EX-/EX4
AnimalsIn the Beginning (US)LPWandWDS 690EX-/VG+7
AnnicaBadly Dreaming (FIN)CASLighthouseLHMC 112M-/M-25
ApelsinApelsin (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 15353/15978EX/M8
ApocalypticaAmplified: A Decade of Reinventing t2-CDUniversal06024 9840335 8EX/M-/M-7
ApocalypticaWorlds Collide (EU)CDSony / BMG886971573527M-/M-5
Ar Bras (Braz) DanThe Earth's Lament (ITA)LPHexagoneARLP 12372EX-/EX10
ArgentAll Together Now (UK) *LPEpicS EPC 64962EX-/VG+15
ArgentRing of Hands (UK) *LPEpicS 64190EX-/M-25
AsfaltoCapitan Trueno / Ser urbano (ESP)12 INCH 45ChapaMH-36.001EX-/EX15
Asleep at the WheelServed Live (US)LPCapitolST 11945EX/EX10
Astro LanesReality (FIN)LPGaga GoodiesGOOD 8M-/M-10
AstronutsSpaced (FIN)LPSpinefarmSPI 11EX/EX10
Atila (USA)International Sandwich (US)LPFish RanchFR 1000/1001EX/EX10
Atomic CriesSuspended Between the Mouth of God A7 INCH 33SvartSVR 159M-/M-4
Au PairsDiet / It's Obvious (UK) *45021 / Humanoto 4EX-/EX10
Autograph (RUS)Autograph (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 24129 000EX-/M-8
Autographical DancersFey (FIN)LPGaga GoodiesGOOD 6M-/M-25
AvgustDemon (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 26039 000VG/EX7
AviaUra! (RUS)LPZonaZN 005EX/EX10
AviaryAviary (ITA)LPEpicEPC 83572EX/M-9
AxisSomeone / Long Time Ago (FRA) *45Riviera121.439 JEX/EX-4
Ayers KevinBananamour (2nd pressing) (UK) *LPHarvestSHVL 807VG+/VG+30
A. R. KaneSixty Nine (UK)LPRough TradeRough 119VG+/EX10
BabsztylSzykuj sie bracie (POL)LPMuzaSX 2111EX-/EX5
Bachman-Turner Overdrive You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet / Free Wh45Mercury6167 025EX/EX6
Bad EnglishPrice of Love (Remix) / The Restless45Epic655676 7EX-/M-4
Bad MannersJust a Feeling / Suicide (UK) *45MagnetMAG 187EX/EX5
BadfingerAirwaves (UK)LPElektraK 52129VG+/EX12
BadfingerCome and Get It / Rock of All Ages (45Apple1815/VG+5
BadfingerSay No More (US)LPRadioRR 16030VG+/M-12
Baird EddieHard Craft (UK)LPDJMDJLPS 467VG+/EX9
Balaam and the AngelLive Free or Die (CAN)LPVirginVL 2476EX/EX9
BankJestem panem swiata... (POL)LPMuzaSX 2388VG/EX7
BannedLittle Girl / C.P.G.J.'s (UK)45HarvestHAR 5145/M-10
Barclay James HarvestWelcome to the Show (GER)CDPolydor841 751-2M-/M-4
BeatlesI Feel Fine / She's a Woman (FIN)45Parlophone45-DPY 674/VG10
BeatlesWe Can Work It Out / Daytripper (DEN45ParlophoneR 5389VG+/EX-15
Beatles Revival BandJohn, Paul, George & Ringo (picture PICTURE DISCDance StreetDST 75044P-12/EX5
Beaver BrothersVentriloquisms (UK)LPAuraAUL 701VG/M-10
Bedford DavidStar's End (UK)LPVirginV 2020VG+/VG+7.50
Bee GeesBest of Bee Gees (GER)LPPolydor184 297EX/VG+10
Bee GeesBest of Bee Gees (ITA)LPPolydor184 297EX/EX15
Bee GeesBest of Bee Gees (US)LPAtcoSD 33-292VG+/EX12
Bee GeesBest of Bee Gees, Vol. 2 (GER)LPPolydor2480 030EX/EX15
Bee GeesIdea (UK)LPPolydor583 036EX-/EX18
Bee GeesLonely Days (= 2 Years On) (club issLPEx LibrisXL 172 072EX-/EX-15
Bee GeesMain Course (GER)LPRSO2394 150M-/EX9
Bee GeesRare, Precious & Beautiful (Volume 1LPAtcoSD 33-264EX-/EX14
Bee GeesRare, Precious & Beautiful (Volume 1LPPolydor236 221EX-/EX9
Bee GeesRare, Precious & Beautiful, Volume 2LPAtcoSD 33-321VG+/EX-13
Bee GeesRare, Precious & Beautiful, Volume 3LPPolydor236 556EX/EX-15
Bee GeesThe Bee Gees' Greats (UK)LPPolydor2855 001EX-/EX15
Bee GeesThe Very Best of the Bee Gees (HOL)5-LPReader's DigestU 83099 BB 1VG+/M-/M-/M-/M-/M-40
Bee GeesTomorrow Tomorrow / Sun in My Mornin45Polydor59 292VG+/EX-6
BeethovensAeh baeh buh! / Ones (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DD 785VG+/EX30
BeethovensBoogie Woogie Flu / No Reason to Cry45Columbia (EMI)DD 772EX-/M-35
Belli Peter ( & Four RoseThe Girl That Stood Beside Me / I Do45TriolaTD 350M-/EX25
Bennett Cliff & The RebelThe Best of Cliff Bennett and the ReLPEMINUT 14M-/M-9
Benny's HeadThe Event Horizon EP (IRE) *EPDancelineDLS 011EX/M-40
Beranger FrancoisJoue pas avec mes nerfs (ESP)LPGuimbardaGS 11046VG+/EX-9
BergendyHéftö (HUN)2-LPPepitaSLPX 17453/54EX-/M-/M-20
BergendyÖtödik sebesség (HUN)LPPepitaSLPX 17477EX-/M-12
Berry ChuckChuck Berry's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (2-LPSonet / Grand PrixGPD 10021EX-/EX-/EX-12
Beti MuganMugan (ESP)MINI-LPBasati DiskakBDE 022EX/EX15
BigboyLive '89 (FIN)LPDig ItDIGLP 38EX-/EX10
Billy Joe and The CheckmaPercolator / Round and Round and Rou45London45-HL-U. 9502/VG+7
Birthday PartyFriend Catcher // Waving My Arms / C454ADAD 12VG+/EX-20
Bishop Elvin (Group / BanHometown Boy Makes Good! (US) *LPCapricornCP 0176EX-/EX7.50
Black Coffee (Cherniy KofStep Over the Threshold (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 26139 006EX/M9
Black Terry (aka Terence)An Eye for an Ear (US)LPDeccaDL 75137EX-/M-15
Blood, Sweat & Tears (BS&Blood, Sweat & Tears 4 (UK)LPCBSS 64355EX-/EX-5.50
Blue JerryThis Is Blue Jerry and "the Band" AnLPDolphinD 65003EX/EX20
Blue MinkA Melting Pot of Hits (UK)LPFontana6438 035EX/VG+9
Blue MinkMelting Pot (US)LPPhilipsPHS 600-323VG+/M-15
Blue MinkOur World (UK)LPPhilips6308 024EX/EX15
Blue MinkReal Mink (= Our World) (US)LPPhilipsPHS 600-339VG+/M-15
BlurtThe Body That They Built to Fit the 12 INCH 45ToeblockTBMS 2.00007 EX-/M-7
Blå TågetSlowfox (SWE)LPMusiknätet Waxholm (MNW 47 PVG+/EX-12
BoatzBoatz (US)LPCapricornCPN-0222VG/VG+5
Bonds Gary U. S.Quarter to Three / Time Ole Story (N45Top RankT 1060/VG+8
Boone PatPat - Part 1 (UK)EPLondonRE-D 1132EX-/EX-12
Boone PatPat Boone Sings the Hits No. 3 (FIN)EPLondonRE-D 1112EX-/EX15
Borgudd SlimFunky Formula (SWE)LPFour LeafFLC 5011EX-/EX- 40
Borys StanSzukam przyjaciela (POL)LPMuzaSX 0956EX-/EX10
Bowie DavidLoving the Alien (Amando al alien) (12 INCH 45 EMI America052-20 0600 6EX-/EX15
Bowie DavidPin-ups (FRA)LPRCA VictorRS 1003EX-/VG12
BoxcarNecktie Party (FIN)LPKompassKOLP 6EX/M-18
BoycottGiving It All Up for Love / Shotgun 45Epic656347 7M-/M-5
BoycottGotta Rock / Jolene45AmuletHOPE 37/EX3.50
BoycottSexy / When the Wind Blows (promotio45PolarvoxPROMO 10/M-6
Brain Peter & Brain TrickE. E. G. (FRA)LPCarrere67.231EX-/EX-5
BratsNight of the Gorilla! (FIN) *EPBoing BeingBONG 5/M-2.50
Braun Chris BandUltrabraun (GER)LPWelt-Rekord1C 064-65 050EX/EX9
Braver NoiseSand Surreal (CAN)LPFetal004M-/EX7.50
BreakoutZ.O.L. (Zidentyfikowany obiekt latajLPMuzaSX 1766EX/EX15
Bréant FrancoisSons optiques - Sonidos opticos (ESPLPEgg17.1407/1EX-/EX12
Brewer & ShipleyShake Off the Demon (US)LPKama SutraKSBS 2039EX-/EX-10
Brewer & ShipleyWelcome to Riddle Bridge (US)LPCapitolST 11402EX/EX-7
Brinsley SchwarzSilver Pistol (UK) *LPUnited ArtistsUAS 29217VG+/EX40
British LionsBritish Lions (promotional copy) (USLPRSORS-1-3032EX-/EX13
Bródy JánosHungarian Blues (HUN)LPPepitaSLPX 17642M-/M-7.50
Broman IlliI'm Right (FIN)LPPokoPÄLP 29M-/M-11.50
Broman IlliSilver Dream (FIN)12 INCH 45PokoSILVER 1EX/M12
Bromberg DavidDemon in Disguise (US)LPColumbia (CBS)KC 31753VG/EX9
Bromberg DavidLong Way from Here (US)LPFantasyF 9641EX/M-8
BroncoCountry Home (GER) *LPIsland6339 019EX/M-40
Bronx Jet & The ForbiddenAin't Doin' Nothin' / I Can't Stand 45LightningLIG 501EX/M-5
Brooklyn Bridge (Maestro The Second Brooklyn Bridge (US)LPBuddahBDS 5042EX-/M-10
Brown Arthur (The Crazy WFire / Rest Cure (GER)45Polydor59 215/G4
Brownsville StationAir Special (HOL)LPEpicEPC 83161VG/EX9
Brownsville StationYeah! (US)LPBig TreeBT 2102VG+/EX-8
Brun Dalibor Poludjela ptica (YUG) *LPJugotonLSY 61278VG/M-30
Buchanan RoyDancing on the Edge (HOL)LPSonetSNTF 961EX/M-12
Budka SufleraZa ostatni grosz (POL)LPTonpressSX-T6EX/M-7
BulletWhite Lies, Blue Eyes / Changes of M45Philips6073 805/VG+4
Burdon Eric & The AnimalsWinds of Change (ri) (GER)LPPolydor2391 293EX/EX12
Bush KateThe Kick Inside (SWE)LPEMI7C 062-06603EX-/EX15
B. Bumble & StingersNutrocker / Nautilus (US)45RendezvousR 166/G4
C & K VocalCausa krysar (CZE) (*)LPSupraphon11 0534-1 311 HEX/EX15
C & K VocalGenerace (CZE) *LPSupraphon1 13 2023 HEX/EX15
Campbell JuniorSecond Time Around (UK)LPDeramSML 1106VG+/EX10
Campi RayRockabilly Music (FIN)LPRollin' RockLP 023EX-/EX-13
Campi RayRockabilly Music (US)LPRollin' RockLP 023M-/EX13
CandymenThe Candymen (US)LPABCABCS 616EX-/EX15
Cannon FreddyEverybody Monkey / Oh, Gloria (DEN)45Karus(s)ellKFF 525EX/M-25
Cannon FreddyFreddy Cannon at Palisades Park (ri)LPLine/OutlineOLLP 5213EX-/EX-7
Capaldi JimElectric Nights (UK)LPPolydor2383 534EX-/EX12
Capaldi JimShort Cut Draw Blood (UK)LPIslandILPS 9336VG+/EX10
Capaldi JimWhale Meat Again (UK)LPIslandILPS 9254EX-/EX-10
Capital City RocketsCapital City Rockets (promotional coLPElektraEKS 75059G/M-8
CarmenFandangos in Space (US)LPDunhill (ABC DunhillDSDP 50192VG+/VG+7
Carson TowaRock Towa Roll (SWE)EPRCAEPS 92VG+/VG+8
CartooneCartoone (US)LPAtlanticSD 8219EX-/EX12
Chamberlain CathyCathy Chamberlain's Rag 'n Roll RevuLPBuddahBDS 5686EX-/M-15
Chambers BrothersRight Move (US)LPAvcoAV 690003-698EX-/M-15
Chameleons (FIN)Ginza Lights // Tears of Chameleon /45Rautalanka RecordsRRS 01VG+/VG+15
Chapin HarrySniper and Other Love Songs (US)LPElektraEKS 75042EX-/EX12
ChargedIn vice... (FIN) *LPEurosSIN 1052EX/M-28
Charlebois RobertRobert Charlebois (Le mont Athos) (CLPGammaGS 146EX/VG10
Charles ChiliQuickstep (UK)LPVirginV 2028EX-/EX13
ChaserHead Over Heels / You've Got the Pow45United ArtistsUP 36219/EX6
Checker ChubbyThe Twist (SWE)EPColumbia (EMI)SEGS 83EX-/EX-10
Chicago Loop(When She Wants Good Lovin') My Baby45DynoVoice226/EX6
Chicago (Chicago Transit Chicago VII (HOL)2-LPCBSS 88015EX/EX/EX12
Children of BodomAre You Dead Yet? (FIN)CDSpinefarmSPI 230 CD (986970-7)M-/EX5
Christmas KeithBrighter Day (US)LPManticoreMA6-503S1EX/SS13
ClancyEvery Day (UK) *LPWarner Bros.K 56206VG+/EX12
Clapton EricBacktrackin' (UK)2-LPStarblendERIC 1VG+/EX/EX12
Clark Dave FiveGlad All Over (US)LPEpicBN 26093EX/VG+17
Clark Dave FiveGlad All Over / Do You Love Me (FIN)45Columbia (EMI)45-DYC 1156/VG6
Clark Dave FiveGlad All Over / I Know You (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DB 7154VG/VG6
Clark Dave FiveNineteen Days / I Need Love (UK)45Columbia (EMI)DB 8465/M-18
Clark Dave FiveThe Dave Clark Five Play Good Old Ro45Columbia (EMI)DB 8638/EX10
Clark Dave FiveThe Red Balloon / Maze of Love (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DB 8465EX-/EX15
Clark Louis(per-spek-tiv) n. (UK)LPJetJETLP 218EX/EX8
ClashSandinista! (HOL)2-CDColumbia (CBS)495348 2M-/M-/M-5
ClashThe Call-Up / Stop the World (HOL)45CBSCBS 9339EX/M-13
ClidowsHaeng mig / 603117 (DEN)45SonetT 8276VG/G8
Clifford MatayaRoad of Life (UK)LPRCA VictorSF 8401EX/EX12
Clifford MatayaStar Fell from Heaven (UK)LPVirginV 2063VG+/EX7
ClifftersDjango / Amapola (DEN)45Philips355 251 PFM-/EX-20
ClimaxClimax featuring Sonny Geraci (US) LPRocky Road RecordsRR 3506VG+/EX15
Climax (Chicago) Blues BaRich Man (UK)LPHarvestSHSP 4024VG+/VG+13
CliqueThe Clique (Sugar on Sunday) (US)LPWhite WhaleWWS 7126G/VG+9.50
CloverUnavailable (UK)LPVertigo6360 145EX/EX18
CoastersJuke Box Giants (The Coasters GreateLPPhoenix20P20-602VG+/EX7
Cochise (UK)Cochise (UK) *LPUnited ArtistsUAS 29117EX-/EX-30
Cocker JoeJoe Cocker Live (HOL)CDCapitolCDP 7934162EX/EX4
Collins PhilBut Seriously (GER)CDWEA256984-2EX/EX4
Collins PhilSerious Hits...Live! (GER) *2-LPWEA9031-72550-1M-/EX/EX18
Companyia Elèctrica DharmL'oucomballa (ESP)LPEdigsa/ZelesteUM 2026VG/G6
Companyia Elèctrica DharmOrdinaries aventures (ESP)LPEdigsa/CabraUM 2051VG+/VG+13
ConcertConcert (CAN) (*)LPCBSNPFC 80038EX-/EX17
Coney HatchConey Hatch (sample record)LPMercury6337 240EX/M-20
Confrerie des Fous LaLa Confrerie de Fous (promotional coLPGuimbardaGS 11.047EX-/EX-18
Cooder RyBop till You Drop (US)LPWarner Bros.BSK 3358EX-/EX7
Count (Viglione Joseph 'JModern Pop Classics (US)EPVarulvenJAV-V-39M-/M-30
Count (Viglione Joseph 'JNew Changes (FRA)LPNew RoseROSE 87M-/EX9
Count (Viglione Joseph 'JThe Intuition Element (FRA)LPNew RoseROSE 28M-/M-10
Country Joe & the FishHere We Are Again (SWE)LPVanguardVSD 79299EX/EX20
Cousineau LiseMoi, Lise Cousineau (CAN)LPLe TamanoirTAM 27017EX-/M-15
Crash Course in ScienceSignals from Pier Thirteen (US) *12 INCH 45 PressP 2001EX-/EX80
Creedence Clearwater ReviGreen River / Commotion (SWE)45LibertyLBF 15250/VG+7
Creedence Clearwater ReviI Heard It Through the Grapevine (st45FantasyF-759-A-S-DJ/EX-7
Creedence Clearwater ReviPendulum (SWE)LPLibertyLBG 83400M-/EX-25
Creedence Clearwater ReviRun Through the Jungle / Up Around t45LibertyLBF 15354/EX-7
Creedence Clearwater ReviSweet Hitch-Hiker / Door to Door (SW45United ArtistsUP 35 2361/EX-5
CrescendosOh Julie / My Little Girl (US)45Nasco6005/F5
Crickets (USA) (1)Oh, Boy / Not Fade Away (US)45Brunswick9-55035/G20
CrowbarBad Manors - Crowbar's Golden Hits VLPParamountPAS 6007G/EX10
CruiseCruise-1 (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 26141 004M-/M12
Cult (Death Cult)Wild Flower - Special Ltd Edition Au12 INCH 33VirginVOZ 195TEX-/EX8
Cult (Death Cult)Wild Flower / Love Trooper (picture PICTURE DISCBeggars BanquetBEG 195 P/EX5
CureMixed Up (GER)CDFictionFIXCD 18 / 847 099-2EX/EX-4
Curved AirThe Best of Curved Air (ri) (ITA)LPChapter LineCTR 26 041G/M-8
CyrkleRed Rubber Ball / How Can I Leave He45CBSCBS 2064M-/M-30
Czerwone Gitary (Rote GitNa fujarce (stereo) (POL)LPMuzaSXL 0599VG+/EX20
Czerwone Gitary (Rote GitRote Gitarren (DDR)LPAmiga8 55 629EX/M-10
Czerwone Gitary (Rote GitSpokoj serca (stereo) (POL)LPMuzaSXL 0734VG+/EX-18
Dalton KathyBoogie Bands & One Night StandsLPDiscreetDS 2208VG/EX10
Daltrey RogerCan't Wait to See the Movie (CollectCDEMI Plus724357605526SS/SS16
DamnedAnything / The Year of the Jackal (U45MCAGRIM 5M-/EX5
DamnedEloise / Temptation (GER)45MCA258 768-7EX/EX5
DamnedGrimly Fiendish / Edward the Bear (G45MCA259 073-7EX/EX5
Daniels Charlie (Band)Saddle Tramp (HOL)LPEpicEPC 81335EX/M-10
Daniels Charlie (Band)Saddle Tramp (US)LPEpicPE 34150VG+/EX-6
Daniels Charlie (Band)Windows (HOL)LPEpicEPC 85443EX-/EX8
Danish SharksHully Gully, Let's Go / Cin Cin (DEN45TriolaTD 242/EX-17
Danny'sRock on (SWE)LPScrantaSALP 1017EX-/EX15
Darling CruelPassion Grimes (GER)LPPolydor837920-1 VG+/EX7
DartellsHot Pastrami / Dartell Stomp (UK)45LondonHLD 9719/VG+8
DartsDaddy Cool / The Girl Can't Help It 45Magnet006 EVC 60 040EX-/EX4
DartsDarts (US)LPPolydorPD-1-6250EX/EX7
Davis Spencer GroupThe Best of The Spencer Davis Group LPIsland / Grand PrixGP 9992M-/M-12
Davis Spencer & Jameson PIt's Been So Long (US)LPMediarts41-11VG+/M-12
Daydé JoelWhite Soul (FRA)LPRiviera521.189 TEX-/VG+18
De Plicque Christian-CharNothin' But the Truth! (FIN) *LPProfilePROLP-006VG/EX7
Dead KennedysToo Drunk to Fuck / The Prey (later 45Cherry RedCHERRY 24EX-/EX-10
Deadly NightshadeF & W (Funk and Western) (US) *LPPhantomBPL1-1370EX-/M-6.50
Dean and JeanHey Jean, Hey Dean (Let's Have a Par45RustRUST 5075/EX6
DecameronTomorrow's Pantomine (UK)LPTransatlanticTRA 325EX-/EX15
DedalosTraveller / Like an Eagle (GRE)45Private pressingPD 001M/M15
Dee Dave, Dozy, Beaky, MiD D D B M T (UK)LPFontanaSFL 13002EX-/EX-16
Dee Dave, Dozy, Beaky, MiGreatest Hits (UK)LPPhilipsSON 015EX/EX10
Dee Dave, Dozy, Beaky, MiTogether (UK)LPFontanaSFL 13173VG/VG+12
Deejays (Vallons Johnny &Farmer John / I Just Can't Go to Sle45PolydorNH 10983/VG+12
Def LeppardAdrenalize (GER)CDBludgeon Riffola510 978-2M-/M-4
Defenders (DEN)Mashed Potatoes / Cadillac (DEN)45SonetT 7191/G8
Defenders (DEN)Rolly Polly / The Folksinger (DEN)45SonetT 7234VG/VG+25
Delaney & Bonnie (& FrienOn Tour with Eric Clapton (US)LPAtcoSD 33-326VG+/VG+10
DelfiniZagreb 67 (YUG)EPJugotonEPY 3797EX-/EX-25
Delta-Cross BandAstro Kid (DEN) *LPMedleyMDLP 6120M-/M-6
Delta-Cross BandUp Front (DEN) *LPMedleyMdLP 6065EX/EX5.50
Delta 5Shadow / Leaving (UK)45PREPRE 016M-/M-15
Delta 5Try / Colour (UK)45Rough TradeRT 061EX-/M-15
Desperate BicyclesRemorse Code (UK) *LPRefillRR 6VG+/M-OFFER
DetiDeti Group (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 29429 008EX-/EX8
Deuter (Georg)Nirvana Road (GER)LPKuckuck068M-/EX9
Dexy's Midnight Runners (Geno / Breakin' Down the Walls of He45Late Night FeelingsR 6033EX-/M-5
Diablos Los (ESP)Fin de semana / Me conformare (GER)45Odeon1C 006-20677EX-/EX-6
Diana ExpressGolden Apple (BUL)LPBalkantonBTA 11200EX/M-15
Dire StraitsCommuniqué (GER)CDVertigo800 052-2M-/M-4
Dire StraitsLive at the BBC (GER)CDVertigo528 323-2M-/M-5
Dire StraitsOn Every Street (GER)CDVertigo510 160-2EX/EX4
Dire StraitsOn the Night (GER)CDVertigo514 766-2EX/VG+4
Dirty LooksTurn of the Screw (GER)LPAtlantic781 992-1EX-/EX12
Dirty White BoyBad Reputation (HOL)LPPolydor841 959-1EX-/EX-6
Doctors of MadnessFigments of Emancipation (UK)LPPolydor2383 403EX-/EX-13
DolkowsStory of Robi & The Nudes (FIN)12 INCH 45Gaga GoodiesGOD 4M-/EX7
Domino FatsI Can't Give You Anything But Love /45CaliforniaC 421EX/VG+25
Domino FatsI Miss You So (DEN)LPCaliforniaCLP 9138EX/VG10
Domino FatsLazy Lady / I Don't Want to Set the 45Karus(s)ellKFF 561/EX18
Domino FatsMargie / I'm Ready (DEN)45CaliforniaC 318/F5
Domino FatsSick and Tired / No, No (DEN)45London45-HL 8628VG/VG18
Domino FatsThe Best of Fats Domino (DEN)LPCaliforniaCLP 5004EX/VG+18
Domino FatsThere Goes (My Heart Again) / Can't 45Karus(s)ellKFF 511/EX18
Domino FatsWait and See / I Still Love You (UK)45London45-HL-P 8519/G10
Domino FatsWhen I'm Walking (Let Me Walk) / I'v45Karus(s)ellKFF 531M-/M-20
Domino FatsWhen the Saints Go Marching In / Tel45CaliforniaC 311/F5
Domino FatsWho Cares / Just a Lonely Man (DEN)45Karus(s)ellKFF 548EX/M-20
Doobie BrothersSweet Maxine / Double Dealin' Four F45Warner Bros.WBS 8126/EX3
Dorset RayCold Blue Excursion (UK)LPDawnDNLS 3033F/VG+7
Doucette (Jerry)The Douce Is Loose (sample record) (LPMercury9124 410EX-/M-11
DreamhouseListen (FIN)CD-RPrivate pressingEX/M-30
Droukas JoeShadowboxing (Promotional copy)LPSouthwindSWS 6400EX-/M-12
Dr. Hook (and the MedicinMakin' Love and Music (SWE)LPCapitol7C 062-85156EX/M-8
Dr. Hook (and the MedicinSloppy Seconds (UK)LPCBSS 65132VG+/EX-8
Dr. Strangely StrangeKip of the Serenes (UK) *CASIslandCIR 15006EX/M-70
Duguay RaoulAllo toulmond (2nd label) (CAN) *LPCapitolST 70036EX/EX12
Duke & The DriversRollin' On (US)LPABCABCD 942EX-/M-10
Dury Ian (& The Kilburns Do It Yourself (Crown P 87949 cover)LPStiffSEEZ 14EX/M-6
Dury Ian (& The Kilburns Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick / Sex 12 INCH 45 StiffBUYIT 214VG+/VG+4
Dury Ian (& The Kilburns Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick / Sex 45StiffBUY 214M-/M-6
Dwa plus Jeden (2+1)Teatr na drodze (POL)LPMuzaSX 1574EX-/EX13
Dwa plus Jeden (2+1)Wyspa dzieci (POL)LPMuzaSX 1212EX/EX18
Dylan BobThe Bootleg Series Vol. 1-3 - 1961-1BOX SETColumbia (CBS)468086 2EX/M-/M-/M-16
EaglesHotel California (GER)CDAsylum7559-60509-2M-/M-5
EaglesHotel California / Pretty Maids All 45AsylumAS 13079/EX3
EaglesLife in the Fast Line / The Last Res45AsylumE 45403/M-3.50
EaglesOutlaw Man / Certain Kind of Fool (U45AsylumAS 11025/M-4
EaglesTheir Greatest Hits 1971 - 1975 (tesLPAsylumK 53017/EX20
Easy ActionIn the Middle of Nowhere / Eye for a45K.G.R.S-005EX/EX8.50
Echo & The BunnymenShine So Hard (UK)12 INCH 45 KorovaECHO 1G/EX7
Echo & The BunnymenThe Game / Lost and Found (GER)45WEA248 322-7EX/EX3
Eddy DuaneBoss Guitar / The Desert Rat (GER)45RCA47-8131EX/M-8
Eddy DuaneLonely Boy, Lonely Guitar / Joshin' 45RCA47-8180EX/EX8
Eddy DuaneYep! / Three-30-Blues (export single45London45-HL-7076/VG6
Eddy Duane(Dance with the) Guitar Man / Boss G45RCA VictorPPBO 4114/EX-3
Eddy Duane(Dance with the) Guitar Man / Stretc45RCA47-8087EX-/M-8
Eddy Duane(Dance with the) Guitar Man / Stretc45RCA45-RCA-1316/EX6
Edge DamonThe Wind Is Talking (FRA) LPNew RoseROSE 64M-/EX12
Edmunds Dave (& Rockpile)Baby I Love You / Maybe (GER)45RCA Victor74-16228/EX-3
Edmunds Dave (& Rockpile)Closer to the Flame (EEC)LPCapitol064-790372 1EX/M-7
Edmunds Dave (& Rockpile)I Hear You Knocking / Black Bill (DE45MAMMAM 1EX-/EX15
Edmunds Dave (& Rockpile)I Hear You Knocking / Black Bill (UK45MAMMAM 1/VG+3.50
Edmunds Dave (& Rockpile)The Best of Dave Edmunds (US)LPSwan SongSS 8510M-/M-9
Edmunds Dave (& Rockpile)Tracks on Wax (UK)LPSwan SongSSK 59407VG+/EX7
Edward BearClose Your Eyes (CAN)LPCapitolSKAO 6395EX-/EX15
EldkvarnTuff Lust (SWE)LPSilenceSRS 4684EX/EX7
EldkvarnVägen från Peking (SWE)2-LPMusiknätet Waxholm (MNWP 166-167M-/M-/M-15
Electric Blue Peggy Sue aAll in the Family - Live (X-Rated) (LPGaga GoodiesGOOD 7M-/M-13
Electric JunkyardThe Electric Junkyard (US)LPRCA VictorLSP 4158EX-/M-16
EndstandEndstand (Picture Disc) (FIN)PICTURE DISCCombat Rock IndustryCRI 002EX/EX5
Engoulevent L'L'ile où vivent les loups (1st labelLPLe TamanoirTAM 27012EX-/EX23
EnidIn the Region of the Summer Stars (ULPBukBULP 2014EX-/M-25
EqualsBaby, Come Back (US)LPRCA VictorLSP 4078VG+/VG+15
ErasureStay with Me (Mixes) (UK)CD-SINGLEMuteLCDMUTE 174M-/M2
Essential BopEloquent Sounds (UK) *EPMonopauseMOAN 1001EX/M-7.50
EternitéLes chants de'l eternité (CAN)LPPolydor2424 156EX-/M-40
Every Mothers' SonEvery Mothers' Son's Back (US)LPMGMSE 4504VG+/EX10
Every Mothers' SonEvery Mothers' Son (GER)LPMGM665 075EX-/EX-9.50
Ewigkeit (Fogarty James)Cosmic Man (FIN) *LPSvartSVART 087SS/SS10
ExodusThe Most Beautiful Day (POL)LPMuzaSX 1934VG+/EX13
ExtrabreitIhre grössten Erfolge. (GER)LPReflektor Z0060.348EX-/EX8
Eyeless in GazaRust Red September (UK)LPCherry RedBRED 50EX-/EX9
FabianHound Dog Man / Friendly World (DEN)45SonetT 8047/EX-5
FacesOoh La La (US)LPWarner Bros.BS 2665VG+/EX-15
FallFiery Jack // 2nd Dark Age / Psykick45Step-ForwardSF 13EX-/EX43
Fame GeorgieGeorgie Fame (UK) *LPIslandILPS 9293VG/EX7
Family of LoveThe Bible - A Rock Testament (US)2-LPPolydorPD-2 9301EX-/M-/M-15
FarquahrFarquahr (US)LPElektraEKS 74083EX-/EX11.50
FastwayWaiting for the Roar (HOL)LPCBSCBS 26654EX-/EX8
Federals (UK) Please Believe Me / Marlena (UK)45ParlophoneR 5139/EX20
FendermenMule Skinner Blues (ri) (US) LPSomaMG 1240M-/M-18
Ferguson JayReal Life Ain't This Way (US)LPAsylum6E-158VG+/M-6
Ferguson JayThunder Island (US)LPAsylum7E-1115EX-/M-7
Ferry BryanLet's Stick Together (UK)LPPolydor2302 045EX-/EX9
Fine Young CannibalsBlue / Wade in the Water (UK)45LondonLON 79EX-/M-3
Fine Young CannibalsFine Young Cannibals (UK)LPLondonLONLP 16M-/EX8
FingerprintzBeat Noir (GER)LPVirgin203 808EX-/EX-6.50
Fireballs (Gilmer Jimmy &Bottle of Wine (US)LPAtcoSD 33-239EX-/EX18
FirestonesLove In (GER)LPtip63-3091VG+/EX18
Fitzgerald PatrikThe Paranoid Ward (UK)12 INCH 45 Small WonderWEENY 1VG+/EX10
Five Dollar ShoesFive Dollar Shoes (US)LPNeighborhoodNRS 47002EX-/EX9.50
Five FingersFive Fingers I (KOR) *LPSeoulSDR4-007SS/SS25
Five Man Electrical BandFive Man Electrical Band (ri) (US)LPPickwickSPC 3289EX-/EX6
Five Man Electrical BandSweet Paradise (US)LPLionLN 1009VG/VG+5
FlintlockHot from the Lock (UK)LPPinnaclePLP 8309EX/EX12
FlintlockTears 'n' Cheers (UK)LPPinnaclePLP 8310EX/VG+9
Florian din TransilvaniaTainicul vartej (ROM)LPElectrecordST-EDE 02917EX-/EX17
Flying LizardsTV / Tube (UK)45VirginVS 325M-/EX5
Flying MachineThe Flying Machine (US) * LPJanusJLS 3007EX-/M-15
Focus (HOL)Hocus Pocus 2 / House of the King (G45Polydor2001 453VG/EX-8
Folk och RackareRackarspel (SWE) *LPYTFYTF 50241EX-/EX13
FonografFG - 4 (HUN)LPPepitaSLPX 17509M-/EX12
FonografNa mi ujsag Wagner ur (What's the NeLPPepitaSLPX 17489G/M-8
Food BandRhythm 'n' Juice (GER)LPBrain0060 432EX/M-12
Formula 3King Kong (ITA) LPRCA ItalianaPL 74992EX/EX15
Fortune TellersF. T. F. F. (Fortune Told for Free) LPNew RoseROSE 82M-/M-7
FortunesRemembering... The Fortunes (UK) *LPDeccaREM 2EX-/M-7.50
FourmostFirst and Fourmost (compilation) (UKLPSee for MilesCM 104EX-/EX14
Fowley KimSnake Document Masquerade (UK)LPIslandILPS 9572EX-/EX-9.50
Fowley KimVisions of the Future (UK)LPCapitolE-ST 24636G/M-12
Fox (1)Tails of Illusion (GER)LPGTO2321 106EX/VG+10
Franz K.Gewalt ist Schitt (GER)LPAladin1C 064-45 739EX/M-10
Fred John & His Playboy BAgnes English (stereo) (US)LPPaulaLPS 2197EX-/EX17
Fred John & His Playboy BJudy in Disguise with Classes (US)LPPaulaLPS 2197VG/EX-10
Freddie & the DreamersFrantic Freddie (US)LPMercurySR 61053VG+/EX20
Freddie & the DreamersYou Were Made for Me / Drink This Up45Columbia (EMI)DS 2226/EX10
Free BeerHighway Robbery (US)LPRCA VictorAFL1-1733EX-/EX8
Friday's DealEsimene (EST)LPRitonisC60 31169 006VG+/EX10
Frijid PinkSing a Song for Freedom / End of the45Parrot45-349/EX5
FrostEarly Frost (US)LPVanguardVSD 79392VG+/M-12
FSB (Formation Studio BalSvetoven hit parad - World Hit ParadLPBalkantonBTA 10895VG+/VG8
FSB (Formation Studio BalThe Globe (BUL)12 INCH 45BalkantonBTA 10485EX/EX-10
FSK (Freiwillige SelbstkoContinental Breakfast (UK)LPEdiestaCALC LP 16EX-/M-12
Gabi & MaraPuolenvuoden savuke (FIN)LPEurosSIN 1064M-/M-15
Gabriel PeterBig Time (GER)12 INCH 45 Virgin608 850-213EX-/M-4
Gabriel PeterПитер Гейбриэл (= Peter Gabriel = SoLPMelodiyaA60 00427 007VG/EX6
Galadriel (ESP)Muttered Promises from an Ageless PoLPDagaLP 0005EX/EX28
GalleryNice to Be with You (US)LPSussexSXBS 7017G/EX8
Garfunkel ArtBreakaway (HOL) *LPCBSCBS 86002EX-/M-6
Gasolin'Efter endnu en dag (DEN) *LPCBSCBS 86150EX/EX9
Gasolin'Gas 5 (DEN) *LPCBSCBS 80993F/EX-5
Gasolin'Gasolin' 3 (2nd label) (DEN) *LPCBSS 65798EX/EX-9
Gasolin'Gasolin' Live sådan (DEN) *2-LPCBSCBS 88207VG/EX-/VG+7
Gasolin'Stakkels Jim (1st edition) (DEN) *LPCBSCBS 80549EX/VG+14
Gasolin'Stakkels Jim (2nd edition) (DEN) *LPCBSCBS 80549EX/EX-16
Gasolin'What a Lemon (HOL) *LPEpicEPC 81436EX/M-19
Geesin RonPatruns (UK) *LPRon GeesinRON 31EX-/EX14
Geils J. BandWild Man (special remix) // Just Can12 INCH 33EMI AmericaSPRO 9133/34VG+/EX-15
Genesis (UK)The Best of Genesis (NOR)LPCharisma9299 707VG+/G12
GeordieBlack Cat Woman / Geordie's Lost His45EMIEMI 2100VG+/EX8
GeordieCan You Do It / Red Eyed Lady (DEN)45EMIEMI 2031VG/EX7
GeordieCan You Do It / Red Eyed Lady (UK)45EMIEMI 2031/M-6
GeordieElectric Lady / Geordie Stomp (DEN)45EMIEMI 2048F/EX5
GeordieGoodbye Love / She's a Lady (FIN)45EMI5E 0006-96773/EX-8
GeordieRide on Baby / Got to Know (UK)45EMIEMI 2226/VG2.50
GeordieShe's a Teaser / We're Alright Now (45EMI5E 0006-95740/EX9
Gerry & the PacemakersRemember (The Days of Rock and Roll)45DJMDJS 298/EX5
GetsemaneViimaa (FIN) *LPSvartSVART 331 LPM/M25
Gibbons Steve BandA to Z / Blue Lagoon (promotional co45PolydorGIB 1/EX6
Gibbons Steve BandCaught in the Act (UK)LPPolydor2478 112EX-/EX10
Gibbons Steve BandCaught in the Act (US)LPMCAMCA 2305EX-/EX9
Gibbons Steve BandRollin' On (UK)LPPolydor2383 433EX-/EX12
Gibbons Steve BandSaints & Sinners (UK)LPRCARCALP 6017EX-/EX12
Gibbons Steve BandStreet Parade (NOR)LPPolydor2480 547M-/EX10
Gibbons Steve BandStreet Parade (US)LPPolydorPD-1-6293EX-/EX9
Gillan Ian Band (Gillan)Mad Elaine / Mercury High (UK)45IslandWIP 6423/EX4
Gillan Ian Band (Gillan)Scarabus (test pressing) (UK) *LPIslandILPS 9511EX-/EX20
Gina X (Performance)Yinglish (GER)LPStatik206 674EX-/VG+4
GirlSheer Greed (HOL) *LPJetJET LP 224EX-/VG+8.50
GirlsThe Girls (sample record) (HOL) *LPMercury9126 602EX-/VG+17
GliderGlider (US)LPUnited ArtistsUA-LA 814-GVG/EX-15
Glitter BandThe Glitter Band's Greatest Hits (UKLPBellBELLS 264M-/M-12
Global Village Trucking CGlobal Village Trucking Company (UK)LPCarolineC 1516VG+/EX-17
Godz (2)Nothing Is Sacred (GER)LPRCA VictorXL 13072EX-/EX-9
Golpes BajosDevocionario (ESP)MINI-LPNuevos Medios12131 EEX/EX8
GoodiesThe New Goodies L.P. (UK)LPBradleysBRADL 1010EX/EX15
Gorgy ParkGorgy ParkLPVertigo838 628-1EX/EX8
Grace (UK)Grace Live (UK)LPClayCLAY LP2EX-/EX10
Grand Funk (Railroad)Closer to Home / Aimless Lady (SWE)45Capitol4E 006-80547VG/EX18
Grand Funk (Railroad)The Loco-motion / Destitute & Losin'45Capitol1C 006-81624EX-/M-6
Graps Gunnar & Magnetic BPölemine (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 27765 003M-/M-8
Great White...Twice Shy (EEC)LPCapitol064-7 92743 1EX/EX-8
Green KeithNo Compromise (US)LPSparrowSPR 1024EX-/EX8
GrimmsGrimms (UK)LPIslandHELP 11VG+/EX-9.50
GrowlGrowl (promotional copy) (US)LPDiscreetDS 2209VG+/EX7.50
Grunsky JackBuffalo Brian (GER)LPKuckuck2375 007EX/M-23
Grünberg SvenOM (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 27019 002EX/M-35
Guess WhoBorn in Canada (US)LPWandWDS 691VG+/M-10
Gunhill Road (Gun Hill RoGunhill Road (US)LPKama SutraKSBS 2061EX-/EX7
Guns n' RosesAppetite for Destruction (GER)CDGeffenGED 24148EX/EX5
Guns n' RosesGreatest Hits (EU)CDGeffen06 02498 62108 0VG+/EX-5
Guns n' RosesThe Spaghetti Incident? (GER)CDGeffenGED 24617M-/M-5
Guns n' RosesUse Your Illusion 1 (GER)CDGeffenGED 24415EX/EX5
Gypsy (UK)Brenda and the Rattlesnake (UK) *LPUnited ArtistsUAS 29420VG+/VG+14
Gyula Deak "Bill"Mindhalalig blues - Blues unto DeathLPStartSLPM 17987EX-/EX10
G. T. CompanySecret Plane (FIN)LPBetaBETA 4011M-/M-15
Hagar SammyI Never Said Goodbye (Sammy Hagar)LPGeffenGHS 24144EX-/M-9
Hagen Nina (Band)Angstlos (HOL) *LPCBSCBS 25667EX/M-9.50
Hagen Nina (Band)My Way // Alptraum (edit. version) /45CBSCBS 9030EX/EX5
Hahn Kristof "Justice"Bown by Love (UK)10 INCH 45ExileEX10EP05EX/EX10
Haley Bill (& His Comets)Burn That Candle / Rock-a-Beatin' Bo10 INCH 78RhythmBM 5509/G10
Haley Bill (& His Comets)Live It Up - Part 1 (UK)EPLondonRE-F 1049/G4
Haley Bill (& His Comets)Rock Around the Clock (UK)EPBrunswickOE 9250VG+/G5
Haley Bill (& His Comets)(We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock 10 INCH 78RhythmBM 5317/G10
Hallelujah FreedomGunfire / Gunfire (Extended Mix) (IR45HoneyBEE 1EX/EX30
Hallyday JohnnyFlagrant delit (FRA)LPPhilips6325 003EX/EX9
Hallyday JohnnyRock! Rock! Rock 'n' Roll! (mono) (GLPPhilips6395 051EX-/EX9
Halonen KassuHalosta! (FIN)2-LPDelta (FIN)DELP 24-25VG+/EX/EX15
Halonen KassuIf Home Was Here / I Have Played Roc45Dig ItDIGS 154EX-/EX-8
Halonen KassuRock 'n' Roll Fever / A Mile Away a 45Delta (FIN)DES 50/VG+2
Hammer (2)Black Sheep (US)LPAsylum6E-173VG+/EX7
Handley MaxMax (UK)LPCarolineC 1506VG/EX18
Hanoi RocksUntil I Get You / Rebel on the Run (45JohannaJHNS 534/EX-8
Hansson BoUr trollkarlens hatt (SWE) *LPSilence (SWE)SRS 4615EX/EX28
Hardin EddieHome Is Where You Find It (UK)LPDeccaTXS 106G/EX-12.50
Harley Steve & Cockney ReLove's a Prima Donna (SWE)LPEMI7C 062-06526VG+/EX-6
Harper & RoweHarper and Rowe (US)LPWorld PacificWPS 21882EX-/M-20
Harpers BizarreAnything Goes (US)LPWarner Bros.WS 1716VG/G5
Harpers BizarreThe Secret Life of Harpers Bizarre (7 INCH 33Warner Bros.S 1739M-/EX12
Harris Jet & Meehan TonyScarlet O'Hara / (Doing the) Hully G45DeccaF 11644/EX15
Harrison Don BandDon Harrison Band (US)LPAtlanticSD 18171VG+/EX9
Harrison Geff (Band)Geff Harrison & The London SymphonicLPJupiter (GER)25 078 OTEX/EX8
Harrison Geff (Band)Money Talks! (GER)LPPolydor2417 127VG+/EX7
Harrison GeorgeGeorge Harrison (US)LPDark HorseDHK 3255EX/EX-11
Hart TimDrunken Sailor and Other Kids Songs LPMusic For PleasureMFP 5635EX-/M8
Havana Black(s)Love, Understanding & a Helping Hand45Parlophone777-1386187/EX4
Havens RichieConnections (GER)LPElektraELK 52 186EX-/M-4
Havens RichieNow (HOL)LPEpic468159 1EX/M-4
Havens RichieSimple Things (HOL)LPRBIRBI 400EX/M-4
Havilland Peter deBois de BoulogneLPVentureVE 3M-/M-8
Havlik Ferninand Twist from the Semafor Theatre (CZE)EPSupraphonSUK 33490EX/M-30
HawkwindLive & Rare - Onward Flies the Bird CDEmporioEMPRCD 710SS/SS7
HawkwindThe Best of Friends and Relations (UCDEmporioEMPRCD 547SS/SS7
Haycock PeteGuitar and Son (HOL)LPI.R.S. / No SpeakILP 460472 1 / No Speak 001EX-/EX9
HaywireNuthouse (CAN)LPAtticLAT 1283EX-/M-13
HeadA Snog on the Rocks (UK)LPDemonFIEND 95EX-/EX10
Head EastA Different Kind of Crazy (ITA)LPA&MAMLH 64795VG/EX8
Head EastHead East (HOL)LPA&MAMLH 64680EX-/EX9
Heads, Hands and FeetOld Soldiers Never Die (US)LPAtcoSD 7025VG/EX-12
Heads, Hands and FeetTracks (UK)LPIslandILPS 9185VG+/EX25
Helloween7 Sinners (EU)CDSony88697635962M-/EX5
HelloweenHelloween / Walls of Jericho / JudasCDNoiseN 0088M-/M-5
Helm LevonLevon HelmLPCapitol1A 064-86506EX-/EX7
Help YourselfStrange Affair (US)LPUnited ArtistsUAS 5591VG+/VG+12
Hendrix JimiMidnight Lightning (NOR)LPPolydor2310 415VG+/EX-10
Herman's HermitsHerman's Hermits Again (GER)LPColumbia (EMI)SMC 74150VG/G7
Herman's HermitsHerman's Hermits on Tour (mono) (US)LPMGME 4295VG+/EX-7
Herman's HermitsHold On! (mono) (US)LPMGME 4342EX-/EX5
Herman's HermitsMrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely DaugLPColumbia (EMI)SCX 6303EX/VG+12
Herman's HermitsThe Best of Herman's Hermits, VolumeLPMGME 4505EX-/EX7
Herman's HermitsThe London Look (promotional issue) EPYardleySLE 15EX/M-8
Herman's HermitsThe Most of Herman's Hermits, VolumeLPMusic For PleasureMFP 50008EX/EX6
Herman's HermitsThere's a Kind of Hush All Over the LPMGME 4438VG+/EX-6
Heron MikeSmiling Men with Bad Reputations (USLPElektraEKS 74093VG/EX-9
Hidden TruthJust Another Game / Run Away (autogr45Private pressingHTS 89VG+/M-10
Hidden TruthJust Another Game / Run Away (FIN) *45Private pressingHTS 89EX/M-10
HiidensointiHiidensointi (FIN)CDHiisi VieköönHVRCD 01SS/SS7
His Latest FlameIn the Neighbourhood (HOL)LPFFRR828 183-1EX/EX-7
Hitmakers (DEN)So Much in Love / Love Me Baby45PhilipsPF 355 322EX-/VG+30
Hoelderlin (Hölderlin)New Faces (GER) *LPSpiegelei/IntercordINT 145.605VG+/VG+7.50
HolliesA Crazy Steal (GER) *LPPolydor2417 114VG+/EX6.50
HolliesHollies (GER) *LPPolydor2383 269EX-/EX8.50
HolliesRussian Roulette (UK) *LPPolydor2383 421EX-/EX7
HolliesThis is It // You Gave Me Strength /12 INCH 45 Columbia (EMI)1A K060-20 1616 6EX-/EX7
HolliesWrite On (GER) *LPPolydor2374 120VG+/EX6.50
Holly BuddyGreatest Hits (mono) (UK)LPMCA/CoralCDLM 8007EX/EX-7
Holm BjörnNy vänner (SWE)LPEMI7931681M-/EX8
Holm JohnVeckans affärer (SWE)LPMetronomeMLP 15 600M-/M-10
Homo HominiHomo Homini 3 (POL)LPMuzaSX 1343VG+/EX10
Homo HominiHomo Homini (POL)LPMuzaSXL 1003EX-/EX12
Honey ThievesCrawl / Good Time // Water Me Down /12 INCH 45 LiquidLQD 212M-/M-12
HoneycombsEyes / If You've Got to Pick a Baby 45Pye7N 15736/VG4
HoneycombsHave I the Right? / Please Don't Pre45Pye7N 15664/EX-9
HoneycombsHave I the Right? / Please Don't Pre45Pye7N 15664VG+/VG9
HoneycombsShe's Too Way Out / That's the Way (45Pye7N 301VG+/EX-10
HoneycombsShe's Too Way Out / That's the Way (45Pye7N 301EX/M-25
HoneycombsShe's Too Way Out / That's the Way (45Pye7N 301EX-/VG+9
HoneycombsSomething Better Beginning / I'll Se45Pye7N 15827/EX13
Hoola Bandoola BandFri information (SWE)LPMusiknätet Waxholm (MNW 55PVG/EX10
HorizontHorizont (SWE)LPCBSCBS 83114VG/VG+8
HorslipsThe Man Who Built America (US)LPDJMDJM 20VG+/EX7
Horton Peter & Schwab SieGuitarissimo (GER) *LPNature0060.131EX/EX5
Hot IceHot Ice (US)LPTomorrow (US) (2)TVI-136EX-/EX35
Hot SoxIsn't That Right / Bats (FIN)45Kräk!KRÄKS 15M-/M-40
House of CapricornMorning Star Rise (gold vinyl) (FIN)LPSvartSVR 326SS/SS14
HousemartinsBuild (UK)10 INCH 45Go! DiscsGOD T 21EX/EX-8
Hughes LynneFreeway Gypsy (US)LPFontanaSRF 67611EX-/EX30
Hull AlanPipedream (UK) *LPCharismaCAS 1069EX-/EX25
Hull AlanWe Can Swing Together / Obidiah's Gr45Big TBIG 129/G3
Human LeagueLouise / The World Tonight (GER)45Virgin106 746M-/EX-3
Human League(Keep Feeling) Fascination / Total P45VirginVS 569EX-/EX25
HummingbirdDiamond Nights (US)LPA&MSP 4661EX-/M-11.50
HummingbirdHummingbird (UK)LPA&MAMLS 68292EX-/EX-10.50
HurriganesLive in Stockholm 1977 (GER)CDFazer0630-15871-2M-/M-7
HydeRough Boys (fully autographed + four12 INCH 33Way VagueWV 00102VG/EX80
Håkansson KennyBeno's ben (SWE) *LPSilenceSRS 4675EX-/VG12
I Don't CareAsk AnyoneLPKama SutraKSBS 2617G/VG+6
IdiotsHot Sweat Sticky / Nothing to Me (IR45DancelineDLS 014EX/M-40
Igo & IevaKlusums starp mums (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 30947 003M-/EX8
Illusion (UK)Illusion (UK) *LPIslandILPS 9519EX-/EX-12.50
In SpeIn Spe (2) (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 23199 000M-/M-20
IndigestiObservati Dall'Inganno (black vinyl LPTVOR on VinylT.V.O.R. 01VG+/M-65
Inhale CorpsesHyväksy ja vihaa (FIN)CD-RPrivate pressingEX/EX30
Inmates (UK)Stop It Baby / Sweet Pain (ITA)45RadarK 18380EX-/EX8
Inside CairoHeartland / The Face Fits (IRE) *45VixenFM 035EX-/M-18
InstinctExternal Loop (FIN)CDIntermezzoINCD 1M-/M-12
InstinctInstinct (FIN)LPIntermezzoINLP-1EX/M-20
Iron MaidenA Matter of Life and Death (EU)CDEMI0946 372321 2 5M-/M-5
Iron MaidenFear of the Dark (HOL)CDEMICDP 7991612M-/M-5
Iron MaidenThe X Factor (HOL)CDEMI7243 8 35819 2 4M-/M-5
Irwin Big DeeSwinging on a Star / Another Night w45ColpixCP 15042EX/EX-10
It's a Beautiful DayMarrying Maiden (ri) (HOL)LPCBSCBS 83905VG+/EX12
Jack the LadIt's Jack the Lad (UK)LPCharismaCAS 1085VG/EX-8
JagsEvening Standards (UK)LPIslandILPS 9603G/EX-6
Jake & The Family JewelsThe Big Moose Calls His Baby Sweet LLPPolydorPD 5024VG+/EX8
JamTown Called Malice / Precious (UK) *45PolydorPOSP 400/EX-6
Jam SessionWhen the Filthy Limbs Decay (numbere10 INCH 33Fucked Up Sunday / T002 / 002 / no:4G/EX-6
James TommyTommy JamesLPRouletteSR 42051VG+/EX15
James Tommy & the ShondelMony Mony / Hanky Panky // Crystal B12 INCH 45PyeBP 117EX/VG+5
Jameson StephenStephen Jameson (UK)LPDawnDNLS 3044EX/EX15
JammeJamme (US)LPDunhill (ABC DunhillDS 50072VG/EX7.50
Jan & DeanDead Man's Curve / The New Girl in SLPLibertyLST 7361VG+/EX-25
Jan & DeanDeadman's Curve (compilation) (US)LPUnited ArtistsLT 999VG/VG+5
Jan & DeanThe Jan and Dean Story (SWE)LPImpactNS 4106EX-/M-7
Jan & DeanThe Very Best of Jan and Dean (UK)LPSunsetSLS 50165EX/EX12
Janu PetraExploduj! (CZE)LPSupraphon1113 2599EX-/EX-13
Jarre Jean MichelRendez-vous (GER)LPDreyfus829 125-1EX/EX7
Jay & the AmericansJay & the Americans Greatest Hits (ULPUnited ArtistsLM 1010VG+/EX-9
Jay & the AmericansWax Museum (US)LPUnited ArtistsUAS 6719EX-/SS15
Jay & the TechniquesHey Diddle Diddle / If I Should Lose45SmashS-2185/EX5
Jaye JerryMy Girl Josephine / Five Miles from 45LondonHLU 10128/VG23
JeavestoneHuman Games (FIN) *LPPresencePRELP 002M/M-15
Jesus and Mary ChainUpside Down / Vegetable Man (ri) (UK45Creation (UK)CRE 012M-/EX8
Jesus JonesPerverse (HOL)CDFood0 7777 80647 2 5EX-/M-5
JigsawI've Seen the Film, I've Read the BoLPBasf20 29197-9EX/EX-25
John EltonDon't Let the Sun Go Down on Me / Si45DJMDJS 302/VG+3
John EltonJust Like Belgium / Can't Get Over G45RocketXPRES 59/EX5
John EltonNikita / The Man Who Never Died (HOL45Rocket884 173-7VG+/EX-4
John EltonPassengers / Lonely Boy (HOL)45Rocket880 167-7EX-/EX5
John EltonPhiladelphia Freedom / I Saw Her Sta45DJMDJS 354EX-/M-8
Johnny and the HurricanesRed River Rock / Buckeye (UK)45London45-HL 8948/EX13
Johnny on the SpotShut Up! / Gift Street (FIN)45Dig ItDIGS 161M-/M-8
Jones GraceNightclubbing (UK)IslandILPS 9624EX/EX10
Jones PaulLove Me, Love My Friends (DEN)LPHis Master's VoiceCSD 3602EX-/VG30
Jones PaulWhen I Was Six Years Old / You Have 45Columbia (EMI)DB 8417EX/M-15
Jupu GroupUmpeen kasvoivat polut (FIN) *LPSvartSVART 308 LPSS/SS22
J:son Lindh BjörnVärlden vänder (SWE)LPSonetSLP 2759VG+/EX7
KaipaSolo (SWE) *LPDeccaSKL 5293VG+/VG+15
Kalevala (Orchestra)People No Names / Boogie Jungle (2ndCDWEA50-51442-7249-2-9M/M15
Kapitan / Captain Nemo (GIn a Little While (POL)LPMuzaSX 2742EX/M-10
KasekePõletus (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 19829 008VG+/M-20
Kasenetz-Katz Singing OrcQuick Joey Small - I'm in Love with LPBuddahBDS 5028VG+/M-17
Kasenetz-Katz Singing OrcThe Kasenetz-Katz Singing OrchestralLPBuddahBDS 5020EX-/EX17
Katapult2006 (CZE)LPSupraphon1113 2768 HEX/EX-6
Katapult...a co rock 'n' roll!!! (CZE)LPSupraphon11 0454-1 311 ZAEX-/M-6
Kay JohnForgotten Songs & Unsung Heroes (US)LPDunhill (ABC DunhillDSX 50120VG+/EX-10
KayakStarlight Dancer (HOL)LPVertigo6360 856EX-/EX-5
KBC BandKBC BandLPArista208 021VG+/EX-7
KeelThe Final Frontier (US)LPMCA76732 2727-1EX-/SS7
Kershaw DougDouglas James KershawLPWarner Bros.BS 2725G/EX7.50
Kershaw DougFlip, Flop & FlyLPWarner Bros.BS 3025EX-/EX-9
Kershaw DougThe Louisiana ManLPWarner Bros.BSK 3166VG+/EX9
Kershaw NikHuman Racing (GER)LPMCA250 574-1VG+/EX6.50
Kershaw NikThe Riddle (GER)LPMCA251 595-1EX/M-8
KeyrockersTonight / Dreamy Eyes45SonetT 7169EX-/VG15
Killing JokeAmerica / Jihad (UK)45E.G.EGO 40M-/M-6
Kind Hearts and EnglishA Wish for a Season (UK)LPDJMDJF 20490EX/EX15
King CrimsonStarless and Bible Black (ri) (ESP)LPPolydor2475 701EX-/EX18
Kirka (Babitzin)Born to Be Wild / When You're Gone (45FlamingoFGS 113EX/VG+6
Kirkpatrick JohnGoing Spare (UK)LPFree ReedFRR 030EX-/EX-8
Kissing BanditsThe Sun Brothers (FRA)MINI-LPNew RoseROSE 72EX/M-7
Klaus & ServantsDen bedste pige / Zoologisk have45RCA Victor45-1210M-/EX5
KlicheSupertanker (DEN) *LPMedleyMdLP 6021EX/M-40
Kocab MichaelOdysseus: Music to the Laterna MagikLPSupraphon11 1177-1 911 HM-/EX10
Kohu-63Valtaa, ei loistoa (promotional copyMINI-LPPokoKOHU-63EX/M-OFFER
KokomoKokomo (3) (HOL)LPCBSCBS 85604VG+/EX8
KokomoKokomo (UK)LPCBSS 80670EX-/EX15
KokomoRise and Shine (HOL)LPCBSCBS 69229EX-/EX10
KombiKombi (POL)LPPronitSX 1857VG+/VG+5
Kongos JohnKongos (SWE)LPSonetSLP 3013EX/EX17
KornFollow the Leader (AU)CDImmortal / EpicEPC 491221 2EX/EX 4
KornIssues (AU)CDImmortal / EpicEPC 497850 2M-/EX 4
KornKorn III: Remember Who You Are (HOL)CDRoadrunnerRR 7757-2M-/EX4
KornKorn (AU)CDImmortal / EpicEPC 478080 2M-/M-4
KornLife Is Peachy (AU)CDImmortal / EpicEPC 485369 2M-/EX 4
KornSee You on the Other Side (EU)CDEMI0946 3 45890 2 4M-/M-4
KornTake a Look in the Mirror (AU)CDImmortal / Epic513325 2M-/M-4
KornUntouchables (AU)CDImmortal / Epic501770 2EX/M-4
Kosmos (2)Polku (FIN)LPPrivate pressingKOSMOS 002M/EX13
Kosmos (2)Salattu maailma (FIN)CDPrivate pressingKOSMOS 004M/M7
Kosmos (2)Salattu maailma (FIN)LPPrivate pressingKOSMOS 004M/M15
Kosmos (2)Tarinoita voimasta (FIN)LPPrivate pressingKOSMOS 001EX/M15
Kowalski DerOverman UndergroundLPVirgin205 371EX-/M-12
KraDoing the Impossibull (FIN)*LPMegafon (FIN)MEGLP 105EX/EX20
KrugKrug druzey (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 24607 000M-/M-6
KryzysKryzys (mono) (FRA) *LPBlitzkrieg200 173EX/M-49
Krzak (Blues Rock Band)Krzak Blues Rock Band (POL)LPPronitSX 1912VG/EX7
Kunst Slava (& His OrchesA Carousel of Tunes (CZE)EPSupraphonSUL 33471EX/M-20
Kunst Slava (& His OrchesSlava Kunst Orch.... (CZE)EPSupraphonSUK 33558EX/VG+12
KurkiKurki (FIN)LPOloOLOLP 001 SS/SS18
Kuzmin Vladimir...Until Monday... (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 27993 009EX/EX6
LaBeef SleepyDownhome Rockabilly (yellow vinyl) (LPSunSUN 1014G/EX5
LaFlamme DavidWhite Bird (US)LPAmherstAMH 1007M-/M-7
Lakomy ReinhardLacky und seine Geschichten (DDR)LPAmiga8 55 405VG+/EX7
Langlois JérômeThèmes (CAN) *LPMolignakMOL 01EX/SS15
Lansberg RobMoments (HOL)LPCBSCBS 4611191EX/EX6
Lanzetti BernardoBernardo Lanzetti (ITA)LPCBSCBS 466419 1M-/M-20
Larry & the Lefthanded (ALarry and the Lefthanded (test press45Trash CanCAN 13M-/EX12
LeBlanc KeithStranger Than Fiction (US) LPEnigma7 73364-1EX/M-7
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin II (GER) *CDAtlantic7567-82633-2M-/M-5
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IV (GER) *CDAtlantic7567-82638-2EX/EX4.50
Legendary LunchBlind / Time After Time (red vinyl) 45RatfishRAT 001EX-/M-6
Lemon PipersJungle Marmalade (US)LPBuddahBDS 5016VG+/EX18
Lennon John & Ono YokoJOHN LENNON: (Just Like) Starting Ov45GeffenK 79186/M-2.50
Lennon John (& Plastic OnCold Turkey / Don't Worry Kyoko (Mum45Apple1813/EX7
Lennon John (& Plastic OnGive Peace a Chance / Remember Love 45Apple1809VG+/EX15
Level 42Running in the Family (UK) *LPPolydorPOLH 42EX/EX7
Levy Ken & the Phantoms (Twilight Time / Shakin' All Over (SW45NashvilleNS 803/VG10
Lewie JonaHeart Skips Beat + 45 (FIN)LPStiffSEEZ 40EX-/EX-12
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysEverybody Loves a Clown (mono) (US)LPLibertyLRP-3428EX-/VG+15
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysGary Lewis Now! (US)LPLibertyLST-7568VG/EX12
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysListen! (US)LPLibertyLST-7524VG+/EX13
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysMore Golden Greats (US)LPLibertyLST-7589EX/M-15
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysNew Directions (US)LPLibertyLRP-3519M-/M-17
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysRhythm of the Rain / Hayride (US)LPLibertyLST-7623EX-/EX13
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysShe's Just My Style (US)LPLibertyLST-7435VG/EX12
Lewis Gary & the PlayboysThe Very Best of Gary Lewis & the PlLPUnited ArtistsUA-LA430-EEX-/EX-8
Lewis Jerry LeeThe Best of Jerry Lee Lewis Volume ILPMercurySRM-1-5006EX-/EX7
Light a Big FireGunpowders (UK) *12 INCH 45 StatikSTAB 4EX/EX8
LighthouseGood Day (US)LPPolydorPD 6028EX-/EX7.50
LindisfarneRoll on, Ruby (UK)LPCharismaCAS 1076EX/EX7.50
Linn CountyProud Flesh Soothseer (US) *LPMercurySR 61181VG/VG16
Little Bo Bitch (aka LoneTake It Easy (Lights Out Over London45Cobra UKCOB 4EX/M-13
Little GerhardLiebestraum Twist / Sing, Brother, S45Karus(s)ellKFF 390/M-30
Little RichardGood Golly Miss Molly / Tutti Frutti45Creole/JBJB 13/M-8
Little RichardI'll Never Let You Go / Baby Face (D45London45-HL 8770G/VG+17
Little RichardLittle Richard and His Band - Vol. 2EPLondonREO 1074/P5
Little RichardLittle Richard and His Band - Vol. 3EPLondonREO 1103/G10
Little RichardOperator / Big House Reunion (GER)45WEA248 558-7M-/M-5
Little River BandThe Net (EEC)LPCapitol1C 064-400 176EX/EX-6
Locomotiv GTMotor City Rock (CZE)LPSupraphon1 13 1920EX/EX15
Locos del RitmoRock (MEX)LPGuitarraDG 21M-/EX50
Lolita PopLolita Pop (SWE) *LPMistlurmlr 40VG+/EX12
Lollipops (DEN)Lollipops (DEN) *LPEMIKCLP 14EX-/EX-6
Lollipops (DEN)Stjerne parade, Vol. 12 (DEN) *LPEMI6C 026-39307EX-/EX5
Lomax Jackie (Alliance)Did You Ever Have That Feeling? (US)LPCapitolST 11668M-/M-10
Lomax Jackie (Alliance)Is This What You Want? (US)LPAppleST 3354G/EX8
London Symphony OrchestraTommy2-LPOdeSP 99001VG+/VG+/VG+13
LongloffOn the Wheels / Heroes Never... // MEPPrivate pressingLL 1M-/M-15
Looking GlassSubway Serenade (US)LPEpicKE 32167VG+/EX7
LordiThe Arockalypse (EU)CDSony / BMG8 28767 89852 0M-/EX5
Lost at SeaLost at Sea (NOR)LPVoices of WonderVOW 005EX/M-15
Lost T-Shirts of AtlantisTHE LOST T-SHIRTS OF ATLANTIS: Big S45In Dog We TrustDOG-003EX/EX5
Lost & Found (DEN)No, No, No, No / The First Cut Is th45TriolaTD 368EX-/EX-30
LoudnessLightning Strikes (US)LPAtco7567 90512-1EX-/EX9
LouieKuljen ja kuljen / Oravanpyörä (FIN)45Kräk!KRÄKS 18M-/EX25
LoverboyWorking for the Weekend (12" 33 rpm 12 INCH 33CBSA 12-1778EX-/M-13
Lovin' SpoonfulThe Best of the Lovin' Spoonful (GERLPBuddah6.24713VG+/EX-6
Lovin' SpoonfulThe Best... Lovin' Spoonful (US)2-LPKama SutraKSBS 2608-2G/M-/M-10
Lovin' SpoonfulThe Lovin' Spoonful Collection - 20 LPMastersMA 15385EX/EX-6
Lowdown Shakin' ChillsI Tried / She-Devil45Hiljaiset LevytHIKS 029M-/EX5
Lowdown Shakin' Chills(I Don't Wanna) Say Goodbye / Need Y45Hiljaiset LevytHIKS 023EX/EX5
Lowe NickAn Interrogation of Nick Lowe (aliasLPColumbia (CBS)AS 1400EX-/M-20
Ludovico's TechniqueLudovico's Technique (FRA)LPNew RoseROSE 54EX/M-10
Lukather SteveLukather (HOL)LPCBS465657 1M-/EX9
Luman BobStranger Than Fiction / You're the C45Rollin' Rock45-028/EX7
Lundsten RalphParadissymfonin (SWE)LPHarvest7C 062-35725EX/VG8
MadisonMadison (GER)LPShowbiz001VG+/EX-30
MadnessEmbarrassment / Crying Shame (UK) *45StiffBUY 102EX-/EX5
MadnessMy Girl / Stepping into Line (UK) *45StiffBUY 62EX/EX5
Madore MichelLa chambre nuptiale (CAN) *LPKebec-DiscKD 944VG+/VG+13
Magna CartaLive (in Bergen) (HOL)LPPhilips6304 507VG+/EX8.50
Magna CartaMartin's Cafe (HOL)LPVertigo6360 146EX/M-11
MagnumWhen the World Comes Down (Edit) / R45Polydor885 447-7EX/M-4
Magnusson JakobJack Magnet (ICE)LPSteinarSteinar 041VG+/M-35
Maldoon (Clive)Maldoon (promotional copy) (US)LPWarner Bros.BS 2706VG+/EX15
Manfred MannFox on the Run / Too Many People (US45Mercury72879/VG+3
Manicured NoiseFaith / Free Time (UK)45PREPRE 006M-/EX13
Manicured NoiseMetronome / Moscow 1980 (UK)45PREPRE 003EX-/EX10
Manzanera (Phil) & MackayManzanera & Mackay (UK)LPExpressionEXPAL 4EX/M-9
Marino FrankFull Circle (no cover) (FRA)LPDream (FRA)DRE 18357/EX3.50
Markusfeld AlainPlatock (FRA)LPEgg900.556EX/EX-12
Marland OllieNeon Moon (UK)LPIsland207 168M-/EX-10
MarmaladeCousin Norman / Lonely Man (UK)45DeccaF 13214/EX-4
Marvin, Welch & FarrarSecond Opinion (UK)LPRegal ZonophoneSRZA 8504EX-/EX20
Mashina Vremeni (Time MacReki i mosty (Rivers and Bridges) (R2-LPMelodiyaC60 25617 001 / C60 25619 006M-/EX/M-10
Mashina Vremeni (Time MacV dobriy chas (Good Luck) (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 24865 005M-/M-9
Mashina Vremeni (Time MacV kruge sveta (In the Circle of LighLPMelodiyaC90 27947 001VG+/EX7
Maslon Jimmie LeeSalacious Rockabilly Cat (US)LPRollin' RockLP 6901EX-/EX9
MassSlaughter House (El matadero)LPTelefunkenTXS 3187EX-/VG+15
MatadorerneLove Birds / Last Love45MetronomeB 1639EX/EX25
MatadorsThe Matadors (1st EP) (mono) (exportEPSupraphonSUK 33667EX-/EX-22
Mate PeterKeretek közöttLPPepitaSLPX 17731EX-/M-6
Mate PeterSzivhangok (Heart Sounds)LPPepitaSLPX 17611EX-/M-7
MatrixMatrix (US)LPRare EarthR 542LVG+/EX10
Matthew & The MandarinsMatthew & The Mandarins II (SI) *LPEMIEMGS 5033M-/M-9
Matthew & The MandarinsMatthew & The Mandarins (SI) *LPEMIEMGS 5016M-/M-9
Matthews Ian (Iain)Reno Nevada / Desert Inn (swirl) (UK45Vertigo6059 048/EX-10
Mattiisen AloMingem üles mägedele (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 30245 005M-/EX9
Mattsson Lars Eric (MattsEternity (FRA)LPBlack DragonBD 036 M-/VG+8
MaudsSoul Drippin' / Forever Gone (US)45Mercury72832/EX5
McAuley Schenker Group (MPerfect Timing (GER)LPEMI1C 064-7 48346 1 DMMEX/EX8
McCartney PaulChoba B CCCP (11 songs) (RUS)LPMelodiyaA60 00415 006EX-/EX10
McCartney PaulChoba B CCCP (13 songs) (red city siLPMelodiyaA60 00415 006EX-/M-5
McCartney PaulChoba B CCCP (13 songs) (white labelLPMelodiyaA60 00415 006EX/M-5
McCartney PaulComing Up (Live at Glasgow) (demonst7 INCH 33Columbia (CBS)AE7 1204/M-15
McCartney PaulFlowers in the Dirt (EEC)LPParlophone064-79 1653 1M-/M-9
McCartney PaulFlowers in the Dirt (RUS)LPMelodiyaA60 00705 006EX/M-8
McCartney PaulPipes of Peace (GER)LPOdeon1C 064-1652301M-/EX10
McCartney PaulPress to Play (EEC)LPParlophone062-24 0598 1EX/EX8
McCartney PaulPress (EEC)12 INCH 45 Parlophone1C K 060-20 1342 6EX/M-10
McCartney PaulTug of War (GER)LPOdeon1C 064-64 750 TEX/EX8
McDonald Joe "Country"Goodbye Blues (US)LPFantasyF 9525EX-/M-12
McDonald Joe "Country"Paradise with an Ocean View (ITA)LPRag BabyILS 9074EX/EX9
McDonald Joe "Country"War, War, War (US)LPVanguardVSD 79315EX-/EX15
McGough RogerSummer with Monica (UK)LPIslandILPS 9551EX/EX-20
McKendree SpringGet Me to the Country (US)LPPyePYE 12108VG/EX6
McLaren MalcolmHouse of the Blue Danube (HOL)12 INCH 33Epic655367 5EX-/EX-5
MegadethGreatest Hits: Back to the Start (EUCDCapitol72438-73929-2-2EX/M-5
MegadethPeace Sells... But Who's Buying? (riCDCapitol0777 7 46370 2 2M-/EX8
Meighan Bob BandThe Dancer (US)LPCapitolST 11555EX-/M-8
Meisner RandyRandy Meisner (HOL)LPEpicEPC CX 85913VG+/VG4
Mekanik Destrüktiw KomandDer Tag schlägt zu (GER) *12 INCH 45 ZensorCM 04VG/EX20
Mellencamp John (Cougar JWhenever We Wanted (HOL)LPMercury510 151-1M-/EX7
MelroseSexuality / Troublebound (FIN)45One Inch RockEKRS 003VG+/M-18
Men & VoltsTramps in Bloom (FRA)LPNew RoseROSE 49M-/M-12
Merton ParkasFace in the Crowd (UK)LPBeggars BanquetBEGA 11VG+/EX18
Messengers (Michael and TWindow Shopping / California Soul45SoulS 35037/EX-6
MetallicaKill 'Em All (EU)CDVertigo838142-2EX/EX5
MetallicaSt. Anger (EU)CDVertigo0602498653296M-/EX5
MetamorfosisPapallones i elefants (ESP) *LPAudio Visuales EvangLPS-8209M-/EX60
Metro (UK)New Love (UK)LPEMIEMC 3295EX-/M-10
Mexican Power AuthorityHaiku... Gesundheit (CAN)2-LPRagamuffin SoldierRS 003VG/EX/EX10
Michaels Johnny Lee (& ThDaydreamer (FIN)LPYahoo!YAHOOLP 103M-/M-12
Michaels Johnny Lee (& ThDaydreamer (¨braille' cover) (FIN)LPYahoo!YAHOOLP 103M-/M-12
Michaels Johnny Lee (& ThUnited States of Mind (FIN)LPPolydor837 559-1EX-/M-12
MiljoonaliigaEnkeltenkaupungissa... (FIN)LPPyramidRAMI 2006M-/M-40
Miller FrankieDancing in the Rain (HOL)LPMercury826 647-1EX/EX7
Miller Steve BandAnthology (US)2-LPCapitolSVBB 11114EX-/EX/EX15
Miller Steve BandBook of Dreams (UK)LPMercury9286 455EX-/EX7
Mills-Cockell JohnGateway (CAN)LPAnubisANX-1EX-/EX7.50
MiniMini Koncert (HUN)LPPepitaSLPX 17647EX/EX9
Mink DeVilleCoup de Grâce (GER)LPAtlanticATL K 50 833EX/M-9
Mink DeVilleLe chat bleu (SWE)LPCapitol7C 062-86086EX-/EX-7
Mink DeVilleWhere Angels Fear to Tread (GER)LPAtlantic78-0115-1EX/EX8
Mister TwisterMister Twister (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 29661 008EX-/M-12
Mistigris LesTicket to Ride / Summer Nights (CZE)45SupraphonSUN 43187/EX20
Mobile HomesHurt (SWE)LPHawkHAWKLP 2126 EX/M-50
Mohawk Essra (aka HurvitzEssra (promotional copy) (US)LPPrivate StockPS 2024EX-/M-7
Mohawk Essra (aka HurvitzEssra (US)LPPrivate StockPS 2024EX-/EX5
Molly HatchetSatisfied Man (Short Version) / Sati12 INCH 33EpicAS 1942VG/M-15
Molly HatchetThe Deed Is Done (US)LPEpicFE 39621EX-/EX9
MondialRemember Mondial (ROM)LPElectrecordST-EDE 04197M-/M-20
Monochrome SetTen Don'ts for Honeymooners / Strait45PREPRE 018EX/M-15
Moody BluesA Question of Balance (UK) *LPThresholdTHS 3EX/EX-12
Moonlighters (SWE)On the Right New Track (ri) (SWE)LPInterdiscILPS 156EX-/G12
MoonquakeStar Struck (US) *LPFantasyF 9486VG/EX-9
MoonwagonThe Rule of Three (FIN)LPPresencePRELP 003M/M14
Moore GaryAfter the War (US)CDVirgin209 543EX/M-4
Moore GaryEmpty Rooms (UK)12 INCH 45 10 RecordsTEN 58-12EX/EX8
Moraz PatrickTime Code (NOR)LPLamborghiniLMGLP 6000EX-/EX8
MoreWe Are the Band / Atomic Rock (UK)12 INCH 45 AtlanticK 11561 TVG+/M-6
MorningMorning (UK) *LPLibertyLBS 83463VG+/M-40
Morse Code (Transmission)Morse Code Transmission (CAN) *LPRCA VictorLSP 4575VG/EX-27
MosaikaRubicon RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 25437 003EX-/EX-9
Mose JonesBlackbird (US)LPRCA VictorAFL1-2793VG+/EX9
Mother GooseDon't Believe in Fairytales (AUS)LPMushroom (AUS)L-37.147EX-/EX15
MotorsAirport / Cold Love (UK) *45VirginVS 219/EX-1.50
MotörheadMotörhead Live - Blitzkrieg on BirmiCDMerlinMERO 11M-/M-7
MountainFlowers of Evil (UK)LPIslandILPS 9179VG/VG+9
Mountain ValerieSome People / Yes You Did (DEN)45PyeN 24158EX/EX20
Mr. Big (US)Lean Into It (GER)CDAtlantic7567-82209-2EX/EX2
Muldaur MariaSouthern Winds (US)LPWarner Bros.BSK 3162EX-/M-6
Mungo JerryElectronically Tested (UK)LPDawnDNLS 3020EX-/EX-12
Mungo JerryIn the Summertime / Mighty Man (SWE)45Pye7N 2502EX-/EX8
Music CompanyYou Are the Music Company (US)LPPrivate pressing37410G/EX10
Mystery PlaneMystery Plane (GER)12 INCH 45ModellMO 03VG+/EX30
NameForget Art, Let's Dance / Misfits (U45DindiscDIN 14EX/M-14
Nash GrahamEarth & Sky (SWE)LPCapitol7C 062-86011VG+/EX7
Nautilus PompiliusBrigade S (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 27415 005EX-/EX8
NautycultureSomeday Sunday / T.B.A. (UK)45CharismaCB 381EX/EX10
NazarethCinema (CAN) *LPA&MSP 9138EX/EX37.50
Neon RoseReload (SWE)LPVertigo6316 252EX-/VG13
Nero & The GladiatorsCzardas / That's a Long Time Ago (UK45Decca45-F 11413/EX25
Nesmith MichaelFrom a Radio Engine to the Photon WiLPIslandILPS 9486VG+/EX-8
Nesmith MichaelPretty Much Your Standard Ranch StasLPIslandILPS 9440EX/EX15
New Colony SixAttacking a Straw Man (US)LPMercurySR 61228VG/EX15
New LifeKuules kaveri... (FIN)LPPrivate pressingNLSLP 1EX/M-30
New TrollsNew Trolls (ITA)LPWarner Bros.T 56761EX-/EX8
New York Rock & Roll EnseFreedomburger (US) *LPColumbia (CBS)KC 31317VG+/EX14
New York Rock & Roll EnseReflections (US) *LPAtcoSD 33-312VG+/EX15
Newman ColinA-Z (UK) *LPBeggars BanquetBEGA 20VG/EX28
Newman ColinCommercial Suicide (SWE) *LPSonetSLP-3109VG+/M-15
Nicol Jimmy (& the ShubduHusky / Night Train (DEN)45Pye7N 15666M-/M-200
Night Ranger7 Wishes (US)LPMCA/CamelMCA 5593EX-/EX9
Night RangerBig Life (GER)LPMCA254 674-1EX/EX9
Nighthawks (GER)Skank it Up (GER)LPRocktopus201 428EX/EX10
Nights of IguanaThe Nights of Iguana (FIN)12 INCH 45 PokoIGUANA 1-12VG+/EX5
NightwishEnd of an Era (FIN)2-CDSpinefarmSPI 300 SP / 985860-6M-/M-/M-7
NightwishHighes Hopes - The Best of NightwishCD + DVDSpinefarmSPI 234 CD / 987005-9M-/M-/M-7
NightwishNemo (Radio & Club Promo) (GER / FINCD-SINGLENuclear BlastNB 1307-2 / NB 1292-2M-/EX10
NilsmenThe Sand Step / Le Winston (HOL)45RJR6805 003EX-/EX-30
Nilsson HarryDuit On Mon Dei (US)LPRCA VictorAPL1-0817EX-/EX8
Nilsson HarryPussy Cats (US)LPRCA VictorCPL1-0570EX-/EX8
Nirvana (USA)In Utero (GER)CDGeffenCED 24536 / 424 536-2EX/M-5
Nirvana (USA)MTV Unplugged in New York (GER)CDGeffenCED 24727 / 424 727-2M-/M-5
Nitty Gritty Dirt BandThe Rest of the Dream (GER)LPMCA9031-71970-1M-/M-10
Nitty Gritty Dirt BandWill the Circle Be Unbroken (EU)2-CDCapitol7243-5-35148-2-2M-/M-/M-13
Nix-NomadsYou're Nobody 'til Somebody Loves Yo45His Master's VoicePOP 1354/EXOFFER
Nomadi ( I Nomadi)Ala bianca / Mille e una sera (ITA)45Columbia (EMI)3C 006-17684 MVG+/EX20
Nomadi ( I Nomadi)Noi ci saremo (ITA)LPEMI3C 064-18291EX/M-40
Norman LarryDown Under (But Not Out) (SWE)LPRoyal MusicRMLP 025EX-/VG+6
Norman LarryLarry Norman and His Friends on TourLPSolid RockSRX 1117EX-/EX8
Norman LarryRoll Away the Stone (and Listen to tLPPhydeauxWOOF-999-2EX-/EX-12
Norman LarryStop This Flight (SWE)LPRoyal MusicRMLP 021EX-/EX-7
Norman LarryThe Tune (special limited edition) (LPPhydeauxARF 99EX-/M-20
Numan GaryBerserker (FIN) *LPPolarvoxNUMA 1001EX-/EX35
Numan GaryThe Fury (FIN) *LPPolarvoxNUMA 1003EX/M-20
Numan GaryWhite Boys and Heroes (UK) *12 INCH 45 Beggars BanquetBEG 81TEX/M-5
Nunnery StuStu Nunnery (US)LPEvolution (US)3023EX/EX10
O'KaysionsGirl Watcher (US)LPABCABCS 664VG+/EX9.50
Octave (Teodorescu OctaviSweet Freedom - Dulce Libertate (ROMLPElectrecordEDE 04324EX/EX18
Octave (Teodorescu OctaviThe Secret of Pyramids - Secreful PiLPElectrecordST-EDE 04168EX/M-18
Oddzial ZamknietyOddzial Zamkniety (POL)LPMuzaSX 2171VG+/EX8
Ohio KnoxOhio Knox (promotional copy) (US)LPRepriseRS 6435EX-/EX25
Ola & The JanglersAlex Is the Man / Now I Like Her (SW45GazellC 190EX/VG+10
Oldfield MikeCrises (FIN)LPVirginV 2262EX-/EX5
Oldfield MikeCrises (GER)LPVirgin205 500EX-/EX7
Oldfield MikeEarth Moving (GER)LPVirgin209 982EX/EX7
Oldfield MikeInnocent (12" mix by Bob Kraushaar) 12 INCH 45 Virgin612 383EX-/M-5
Oldfield MikeIslands (GER)LPVirgin208 650EX-/EX7
Oldfield MikeOne Glance Is Holy (GER)12 INCH 45 Virgin612 751EX-/M-5
Oldfield MikePictures in the Dark // Legend / The12 INCH 45 Virgin602 070EX-/EX5
Oldfield MikeThe Orchestral Tubular Bells (1st laLPVirginV 2026EX-/EX-14
Oldfield MikeTricks of the Light / Afghan (GER)45Virgin106 810-100VG+/EX2
Oldfield MikeTricks of the Light // Tricks of the12 INCH 45 VirginF 601 520EX-/EX-5
Oliver & The TwistersMother Goose Twist / Locomotion Twis45Colpix15019/EX-15
Olsen (Bros.)For What We Are (DEN)LPPhilips6318 015EX/EX-15
Olsen (Bros.)Olsen (DEN)LPPhilips6318 011EX/EX20
Olsen (Bros.)You're the One (NOR)LPPolydor2380 056VG+/VG+8
OlympicHidden in Your Mind (CZE)LPSupraphon1113 3997EX/EX8
One BloodOne Blood (FIN)12 INCH 45 PokoBLOOD 1-12EX/M-20
One BloodOne Heart, One Love, One Blood (FIN)LPCreatureBLOOD 2EX/EX12
Orange JuicePoor Old Soul / Poor Old Soul Pt. 2 45PostcardPostcard 81 2VG/VG8
Orbison RoyPretty Paper / Summersong (UK)45London45-HLU 9930/G3
Orbison RoyYou Got It // The Only One / Crying 12 INCH 45 Virgin61200-213EX/EX5
OrphanMore Orphan Than Not (US)LPLondonXPS 645EX-/M-12
Osbourne OzzyUnder Cover (EU)CDEpic828767 43142M-/EX5
Outsiders (USA)Time Won't Let Me (mono) (US)LPCapitolT 2501VG+/EX-23
OzoMuseum of Mankind (UK)LPDJMDJF 20517EX/M-14.50
OzzNo PrisonersLPEpicJE 36198EX-/M-20
PakalameredithPakalameredith (US)LPElektra7E 1106EX-/SS5
PantokratorPantokrator 1 (EST) *LPRitonisC60 31341 006EX/M-10
ParchmentHollywood Sunset (UK)LPPyeNSPL 18409M-/EX17
Parker Graham (& The RumoSqueezing Out Sparks (NOR)LPVertigo6360 168EX/M-12
Parker Graham (& The RumoThe Up Escalator (FIN)LPStiffSEEZ 23EX-/EX8
Parsons BillThe All American Boy / Rubber Dolly 45London45-HL 8798/VG+15
PassportGarden of Eden (US)LPAtlanticSD 19233VG+/EX7.50
PassportHeavy Nights (GER)LPWEA24-2006-1EX/EX7.50
PassportIguacu (GER)LPAtlanticATL 50341VG+/EX7.50
PassportMan in the Mirror (GER)LPWEA24-0253-1EX/EX7.50
PassportOceanliner (US)LPAtlanticSD 19265EX-/EX7.50
Paul LouisReflections of the Way It Really Is LPEnterpriseENS 1034VG+/EX10
Pavlov's DogPampered Menial (HOL)LPCBSCBS 32480M-/EX-9.50
Pearl JamRiot Act (EU) *2-LPEpic510000 1G/EX-/EX95
Pelle MiljoonaSodoman poika / Puukko-Mack (FIN)45JohannaJHNS 224/EX-8
Penis SurpriseThe Automatic Table (FIN)45Maho PopMP 06M-/EX5
Penniless People of BulgaPenniless People of Bulgaria (FIN)12 INCH 45 PokoFORMULA 14M-/M-10
Penniless People of BulgaSunshine Show (FIN)LPPokoPÄLP 112EX/M-13
PentangleOnce I Had a Sweetheart / I Saw an A45Big TBIG 124/G4
Perkins CarlOl' Blue Suede's Back (UK) *LPJetUATV 30146EX/EX7
Persona Non GrataOur Shade of Sin (FRA) *LPI'Invitation au SuicI.D. 4EX-/EX32
Pesniary (Pesnyary)Pesniary (1) (RUS)LPMelodiyaCM 02651-52VG+/VG+20
Pesniary (Pesnyary)Pesniary (2) (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 04655-56VG+/EX-15
Petty Tom (& the HeartbreHard Promises (CAN)LPBackstreetBSR 5160 / MCA 37239EX-/EX7
PhilisteinsBloody Convicts (AUS)MINI-LPGreasy PopGPR 142EX-/M-17
Phillips Anthony (Band)The Sky Road: Missing Links Volume 2CDBrainworksBWKD 212M-/M-7
Phillips ShawnCollaboration (UK)LPA&MAMLS 64324VG+/VG+12
Pin UpsBoredom of Life (FIN) *12 INCH 45 FreehandsFHR 1002M-/M-25
Pink FairiesKill 'Em & Eat 'Em (UK)*LPDemonFIEND 105M-/M-17
PiratesShakin' All Over / Saturday Night Sh45Warner Bros.K 17231/EX7
Planet WilsonWhite Lies (7 inch version) / Vision45VirginVS 1053EX-/VG+2
Plant RobertPictures at Eleven (US)LPSwanSS 8512EX-/EX9
Plant RobertShaken 'n' Stirred (MEX)LPEs ParanzaLWA 6389EX-/EX20
Plant RobertTall Cool One (Extended Version) / H12 INCH 33Es ParanzaDMD 1200/VG+10
Pod BudaLecz poki co zyjemy (POL)LPVeritonSXV 1005EX/M-8
Pohjonen KimmoSensitive Skin (FIN)LPSvartSVR 443SS/SS15
Point BlankSecond Season (US)LPAristaAL 4137VG+/M-9.50
PoliceLive! (HOL)2-CDA&M540 222-2EX/EX/EX8
PombagiraFlesh Throne Press (limited color vi2-LPSvartSVR 340SS/SS17
Pop GroupShe Is Beyond Good and Evil / 3'38 (45RadarADA 29M-/EX22
Pop GroupTHE POP GROUP: Where There's a Will.45Y Records / Rough TrY1 / RT 039EX/EX22
Pop IggyBang-Bang / Sea of Love (UK)45AristaARIST 407EX-/EX9
Potter NicSketches in Sound (UK)LPZomartZOMART 002EX/M-12
Poverty StinksGetting Deeper (FIN)LPPokoPÄLP 120EX/M-10
Prazsky VyberVyber (CZE) *LPSupraphon1113 4068EX-/EX10
Prefab Sprout Cars and Girls (numbered copy) (UK)10 INCH 45KitchenwareSKQ 35EX/EX10
Prefab SproutWhen Love Breaks Down / Faron Young 45CBSCBSA 6598EX-/EX4
Premiata Forneria MarconiCome ti va in riva alla citta (ITA)LPNumero UnoZPLN 34140VG+/VG+8.50
President Gas15 Hours (SWE)LPÄspingÄSPING 006EX/M-8
Presley ElvisA Celebration of Elvis 1935 - 1977, CDGoing for a SongGFS020131M-/EX4
Presley ElvisShake, Rattle and Roll (GER)EPRCAEPA 830VG+/VG+25
Price LloydMr. Personality (SWE)EPABC-ParamountPEP 2005EX-/VG18
PrimitivesSecrets // I Almost Touched You / Se12 INCH 45RCAPT 43174EX-/EX-4
Prior MaddyGoing for Glory (UK)LPSpindriftSPIN 104VG/EX-7
PrismaticDon't Invite Me to the Depression! (LPPrismatic011001XEX/M-8.50
ProgressBusy Making Progress (UK)LPSudarshan DiscBBT 111VG+/VG+6
Public Image Limited (PiLBad Life / Question Mark (GER)45Virgin106 503-100VG+/EX-4
Public Image Limited (PiLDeath Disco / No Birds Do Sing (UK)45VirginVD 274/EX-4
Public Image Limited (PiLLive in Tokyo (GER)CDVirginVGDCD 3508EX/M-5
PuhdysPuhdys (2) (2nd label / cover) (DDR)LPAmiga8 55 404EX-/EX12
PuhdysPuhdys (2) (DDR)LPAmiga8 55 404VG+/VG+6
Pulte JimOut of the Window (US)LPUnited ArtistsUAS 5579EX-/M-7
Pulte JimShimmy She Roll, Shimmy She Shake (ULPUnited ArtistsUAS 5654EX/M-8
Punaisen Kuningattaren PeKaksi suuntaa (red vinyl) (FIN)LPSvartSVR 358SS/SS18
Pure Prairie LeagueCan't Hold Back (US) *LPRCA VictorAFL1-3335EX-/M-7.50
Quartz (UK)Deleted (test pressing) (UK)LPJetJETLP 233/M70
Quartz (UK)Live Quartz (UK) LPLogoMOGO 4007F/EX-5
QueenGolden Collection Vol. 2 (The Game /2-LPGolden CollectionGCVD008EX-/EX/EX40
Quiet RiotQR III (HOL)LPPashaPSH 26945EX-/EX9
Quiet RiotThe Wild and the Young / Rise or Fal45PashaPSHA 7280EX/M-4
Quinta FeiraQuinta Feira (ITA) *LPPDUPid. A. 6007EX-/EX-20
QuintessenceIndweller (GER) *LPRCA VictorLSP 10387EX-/EX15
RadarBaltic Coast (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 25125 006EX-/EX-12
RadarTrofee (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 21713 006VG/M-10
Radius AlbertoLegende (ITA) *LPCGDCGD 20236VG+/EX18
RajuilmaKova biisi / Usko mua (FIN)45Power (FIN)POWSG 18/VG+3
RammsteinReise, Reise (GER)CDUniversal9868150EX/M-5
Randy PieFast / Forward (GER)LPPolydor2417 109M-/M-12
Randy PieFast / Forward (US)LPPolydorPD-1-6113EX-/M-7
Randy PieKitch (GER)LPPolydor2371 666EX/EX13
Rascals (Young Rascals)Freedom Suite (US)2-LPAtlanticSD 2-901G/EX-/EX-13
Rascals (Young Rascals)Star-Collection - The Rascals (UK)LPMidiK 30049VG/EX7
RattusRattus Invades the USA - Live 9/30/27 INCH 33Psycho Wolf / MotorMCR-005/2008-A / -BM-/M-8
RattusRattus on rautaa (FIN)12 INCH 45 PokoRAT 12-086M-/M-OFFER
RattusWC räjähtää (FIN)LPPokoFORMULA 2M-/MOFFER
Rave-UpsThe Book of Your Regrets (HOL)LPEpicEPC 460757 1EX/M-8
Raven (UK)Life's a Bitch (GER)LPAtlantic781 734-1VG+/EX7
RaversTwist mit den Ravers (GER)LPtip63-3022VG/EX-10
Raw NovembreAlamagordo / Our House (IRE) *45AggressiveAGR 3EX/EX7
Red AlertWe've Got the Power (FIN) *LPPoko InternationalPUNK 5M-/M38.50
Red SquareBorn in the U.S.S.R. (US)12 INCH 33RhinoRNEP 613EX-/EX8
Red Squares (UK)All My Crying / Kiss Her Good-Bye (D45Columbia (EMI)DD 795EX-/EX-15
Red Squares (UK)Down and Out / Tell Me I'm Dreaming 45Columbia (EMI)DS 2372EX/EX18
Red Squares (UK)Lollipop / Evil Spell (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DS 2358VG+/EX-13
RedboneAlready Here (HOL)LPEpicEPC 65072VG+/VG7
RedboneLa reina bruja de Nueva Orleans / Ca45EpicEPC 7351VG/VG+8
RedboneThe First Album (= Potlatch) (ri) (HLPEmbassyEMB 31056EX-/EX-8
RedboneThe Witch Queen of New Orleans (= MeLPEmbassyEMB 31204EX-/EX8
RedboneWovoka / Sweet Lady of Love (HOL)45EpicEPC 1830/EX-3
RedheadRunnin' Back to Town / Long Long Gon45Private pressingREDS-01/EX10
RedstormNo Exeption of a Victim of Crime (SWLPGaragelandBF 641EX/EX27
Reed LouRock 'n' Roll Animal (ri) (UK)LPRCA InternationalINTS 5086VG/EX9
RenegadesDo the Shake / Seven Daffodils (FIN)45ScandiaKS 577/EX-15
Reptiles at DawnNaked in the Wilderness (FRA)LPNew RoseROSE 91EX-/EX11.50
Revere Paul & The RaidersIndian Reservation (HOL)LPCBSS 64461EX-/EX-12
RhinocerosSatin Chickens (US)LPElektraEKS 74056G/VG7
Riba PauAmarga crisi (ESP)LPEdigsa01L 0153VG/EX-15
Riblja CorbaPokvarena masta i prljave strasti (YLPRTB2320088G/VG10
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaCliff and the Shadows Forever (GER)LPColumbia (EMI)C 83767EX-/VG50
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaCliff Richard (mono) (NOR)EPColumbia (EMI)SEGK 1055VG/VG20
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaFamous Popgroups of the '60s Vol. 2 2-LPMusic For Pleasure1C 146-05285/86VG/EX/EX9
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaMe and My Shadows No. 1 (mono) (UK)EPColumbia (EMI)SEG 8065VG+/EX-25
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaMy Feet Hit the Ground / High Class 45Columbia (EMI)45-DB 4203/G30
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaSerious Charge (mono) (UK)EPColumbia (EMI)SEG 7895M-/VG+15
Richard Cliff ( & The ShaSummer Holiday (mono) (DEN)EPColumbia (EMI)SEGK 1087EX/VG+15
Rigoni / SchoenherzVictor (GER) *2-LPBacillusBRO 8501EX/EX/EX20
Rikki and the Last Days o4 Minute Warning (UK)LPDJMDJF 20526EX-/EX-12
Rios MiguelAl-Andalus (ESP) *LPPolydor2383 143EX-/EX18
Rios MiguelConciertos de Rock y Amor en DirectoLPHispavox130 322EX/EX14
Rip Rig + PanicBob Hope Takes Risks / Hey Mr. E! A 45VirginVS 468EX/EX9
Rivals Les (Peter Belli &Move On / Got Love If You Want It45TriolaTD 248VG+/M-35
Rivals Les (Peter Belli &Should I Ever Love Again / Roll Over45TriolaTD 258/EX-10
Rivers JohnnyHome Grown (US)LPUnited ArtistsUAS 5532EX-/EX8
Rivest Tom JacquesTom Rivest (CAN)LPSigne du LionSL 001EX/M-14
Roberts AndyHome Grown (ri) (UK)LPB&CCAS 1034VG/EX-13
Roberts AndyHome Grown (US)LPAmpexA 10120EX-/EX-10
Robinson Tom (Band)2-4-6-8 Motorway / I Shall Be Releas45EMI1C 006-06 570EX-/M-5
Robinson Tom (Band)Listen to the Radio (Atmospherics) /45RCAPB 68146EX-/EX-4
Robinson Tom (Band)Rikki Don't Lose That Number / Cabin45CastawayTR 2EX/EX-4
Robinson Tom (Band)Too Good to Be True / Power in the D45EMIEMI 2847/M-6
Robinson Tom (Band)Up Against the Wall / I'm All Right 45EMIEMI 2787EX-/EX5
Robinson Tom (Band)War Baby / Hell Eyes (UK)45PanicNIC 2M-/EX6
Rock-OlgaRock-Olga Today (SWE) *LPPolarPOLS 230EX-/VG+15
Rock-Ragge (and His Four What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes 45BarbenBES 708/VG+20
Rock City AngelsYoung Man's Blues (GER)2-LPGeffen924 193-1EX/EX/EX10
Rock HotelRock Hotel (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 24421 009EX/M-10
Rockets (2)Back Talk (GER)LPElektraELK 52 309EX-/M-10
RockhausI.L.D. (DDR)LPAmiga8 56 361EX-/EX-7
Rockin' BerriesPoor Man's Son / Follow Me45Piccadilly7N 35236/EX-8
RockpileSeconds of Pleasure (GER)LPF-BeatFB 58 218EX/M-12
Rode Mor Rock-CircusHjemlig hygge (SWE)LPMusiknätet Waxholm (MNW 65PEX-/M-17
Rodgers PaulMuddy Water Blues - A Tribute to MudCDVictory Music828 414-2EX/EX-3.50
RokesUn' anima pura / She Asks of You (IT45ArcAN 4021EX/EX-20
Rovescio Della Medaglia IContamination (ITA) *LPRCA VictorTPL1-1049EX/EX18
RoxetteJoyride (EU) *LPEMI1C 068-7 96048 1VG+/VG12
RoxetteTourism - Songs from Studios, Stages2-LPEMI0777 7999291 1M-/EX/EXOFFER
Roxy MusicThe High Road (test pressing) (US)MINI-LPWarner Bros.1-23808/EXOFFER
Roxy MusicViva! Roxy Music - The Live Roxy MusLPIslandILPS 9400M-/M-15
RujaKivi veereb (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 25417 005M-/M-20
RujaRuja (RUS)LPMelodiyaC60 16885-6G/M-10
RumpelstilzFüüf Narre im Charre (CH)LPSchnoutz6326 930EX-/EX-15
Rundgren ToddAnthology (UK) *2-LPRaw PowerRAWLP 035EX/M-/M-12.50
Rundgren ToddRunt. The Ballad of Todd Rundgren (ULPBearsville / AmpexA-10116G/EX-10
RuosteIhimeellistä surinaa jota minen sittCD-RPrivate pressingEX/EX30
RuphusFlying Colours (NOR) *LPPolydor2382 085VG/EX-25
Russian LoveFlaw in the Cradle (FIN)LPDarklandsCANDY 0809EX/M-15
Rydell Bobby & Checker ChJingle Bells Imitations / Jingle Bel45Cameo - ParkwayCFF 25M-/M-30
Ryder MitchJoy / I'd Rather Go to Jail (US)45New VoiceN V 824/EX10
Röövel ÖöbikHistory of the U.S.S.R. -EP (FIN)7 INCH 33Stupido TwinsSTUPIDO 003M-/M-20
R.E.M.Document (US)LPI.R.S.IRS 42059EX/EX18
Sacred CowboysSacred Cowboys (FRA)LPNew RoseROSE 37EX/M-7.50
Sad CaféPolitics of Existing (UK)LPLegacyCAFE LP 1VG+/EX8
Sad CaféPolitics of Existing (US)LPAtlantic81649-1EX-/M-9
Sad CaféSad Café - Live (UK)2-LPRCASAD LP 5EX-/EX/EX 12
Sad CaféSad Café (UK)LPRCASAD LP 4EX-/EX-9
Sahm DougDoug Sahm and Band (US)LPAtlanticSD7254EX-/EX17
SailcatMotorcycle Mama (US) *LPElektraEKS 75029EX-/EX7.50
Saint-PreuxLe piano sous la mer (FRA) *LPHeloiseHEL 65 038EX/EX12
Salloom, Sinclair and theSalloom, Sinclair and The Mother BeaLPCadet ConceptLPS 316EX-/M-12
Salvation (UK)Sass (EEC)LPI.R.S.24 1067 1EX/M-8
Sam the Sham & The PharaoLil' Red Riding Hood (mono) (US)LPMGME 4407VG+/EX-15
SammalAika laulaa (black vinyl) (FIN) *LPSvartSVART 332 LPM/M28
SammalSammal (black vinyl) (FIN) *LPSvartSVR 179SS/SS25
Santa TracySignify Your Mind (UK)10 INCH 45ExileEX10EP04EX/EX6
SantanaAmigos (HOL)LPCBSCBS 86005VG+/EX-8
SantanaZebop! (HOL)LPCBSCBS 84946VG+/EX-7
SarcofagusCycle of Life (FIN)CDPoptori50180962M/M10
SarcofagusEnvoy of Death (FIN)CDPoptori50181662M/M10
SaxonAnthology (UK)2-LPRaw PowerRAWLP 038VG+/M-/VG+9
SaxonBest of Saxon (EU)CDEMICDP 7 96065 2EX/M-5
SaxonSaxon (UK)LPCarrereCAL 110VG/EX-8
SaxonStrong Arm Metal (UK)LPCarrereCAL 212EX-/EX-9
Scafell PikeAir Traffic Controller (SWE)LPMercury6363 029EX-/VG+4
Scafell PikeFour's a Crowd (SWE)LPMercury6363 008VG+/EX-5
Scafell PikeLords Rake (SWE)LPEpicEPC 80134VG/EX9
Scafell PikeThe Month of Maying (SWE)LPEpicEPC 65761EX-/EX-9
Scafell PikeUnited States of Japan (SWE)LPMoonshine (SWE)SMSLP 1001VG+/EX5
ScarsAll about You / Author! Author! (UK)45PREPRE 014EX/M-9
ScarsAuthor! Author! (UK)LPPREPREX 5VG+/M-15
ScarsLove Song / Psychomodo (UK)45PREPRE 005EX/EX9
ScarsThey Came and Took Her / Romance by 45PREPRE 002EX/M-12
ScarsYour Attention Please (flexi) (UK)FLEXI 33i-Di-D 1/EX12
Schatz WarrenWarren Schatz (POL)LPMuzaSXL 0937EX-/M-20
Schatz WarrenWarren Schatz (= Songwriter) (ROM)LPElectrecordSTM-EDE 01001VG/M-15
Schuster MatthiasRitual (GER)12 INCH 45 Konkurrenz6005 106 (KON 3)VG/EX40
ScoriaScoria (GRE) *12 INCH 33Famous MusicFM 14513VG/M-17
Screech OwlsDesert / Hey Toreador (IRE) *45GirlOWL 1EX/M-5
Scritti PolittiAbsolute / Absolute (Version) (GER)45Virgin106 565EX/EX-3
Scritti PolittiHypnotize (GER)12 INCH 45 Virgin601 607M-/EX8
SearchersSugar & Spice (UK)LPPyeNPL 18089EX/EX10
SeatrainSeatrain (US)LPCapitolSMAS 659VG+/EX14
SebastianBlod lykke (DEN)LPHarvest6C 064-38109EX/EX20
SebastianDen store flugt (DEN)LPHarvest6E 064-38088EX-/EX-20
SebastianTiderna skifter (DEN)LPExLibris (DEN)EXL 30 006M-/EX-8
Secret TalesL'Antico Regno (ITA)LPBlack WidowBWR 169M/M18
Sedgwick ChrisThe Singer Sang the Song (UK)LPRCA VictorSF 8356VG+/EX10
Seeds (Saxon Sky Blues BaA Full Spoon of Seedy Blues (stereo)LPGNP CrescendoGNP/GNPS 2040VG/M-28
Sensational Alex Harvey BLive (ri) (UK)LPSaharaSAH 117EX-/EX9
SepulturaRoots (promo) (HOL)CDRoadrunnerRR PROMO 146M-/EX-15
Seventh WaveThings to Come (US)LPJanusJXS-7008VG+/EX7
Shabby TigerShabby Tiger (UK)LPRCA VictorPL 25046EX-/EX-15
ShadowlandThe Beauty of EscapingLPGeffen7599-24286-1M-/M-6
ShadowsApache / Man of Mystery (FIN)45Columbia (EMI)45-DYC 1047/VG6
ShadowsHeart of Glass / Return to the Alamo45EMIEMI 5083/VG+1.50
ShadowsRarities (UK) *LPEMINUT 2EX/EX7
ShadowsThe Shadows at Their Very Best (HOL)CDPolydor841 520-2M-/M-5
ShadowsThe Shadows (FRA)EPColumbia (EMI)ESRF 1402/G2
ShadowsWonderful Land / Stars Fell on Stock45Columbia (EMI)45-DB 4790G/F2
ShadowsWonderful Land / Stars Fell on Stock45Columbia (EMI)45-DYC 1088/G2
Shadows of KnightShake / From Way Out to Way Under (U45TeamTM 520/VG+10
Shakin' StevensShirley / I'm for You (UK)45EpicEPC A 2087VG+/EX3
ShangoTrampin' (US) *LPDunhill (ABC DunhillDS 50082VG+/EX7
Shannon Del10th Anniversary Album (UK)LPSunsetSLS 50211EX-/EX-8
Sharing Patrol...And Now the Sharing Patrol (autog12 INCH 45 Sound of MusicSOUND 1202EX-/EX30
ShirtsInner Sleeve (US)LPCapitolST 12085VG+/EX8
ShirtsStreet Light Shine (factory sample) LPHarvestSHSP 4104M-/EX15
Shogun31 Days (HOL)LPJetJET 460756 1EX-/EX9
Shooting StarShooting Star (UK)LPVirginV 2130EX-/M-9
ShturziteRider (BUL)LPBalkantonBTA 11513EX-/EX15
SignalEternal Crossroad (BUL)LPBalkantonBTA 10450M-/EX25
Sigue Sigue Sputnik21st Century Boy / Buy EMI (EEC)45Parlophone1A 006-20 1258 7VG+/M-3
Sigue Sigue SputnikDress for Excess (UK)CDParlophoneCDP 7487002M-/M-5
Silver CreekSilver Creek (US)LPMCAMCA 483G/EX8
SilverfishCockeye (US)LPTouch and GoT&GLP#56EX/M-12
Simmons CarlThis Is Rock (UK)LPTurnoverTUR 104EX-/EX-5
Simmons Gene "Jumpin'"Haunted House / Hey, Hey Little Girl45LondonHLU 9913/EX-20
Simon PaulNegotiations and Love Songs 1971 - 12-LPWarner Bros.925 789-1M-/M-/EX11
Simon PaulOne-Trick Pony (HOL/GER) *LPWarner Bros.WB 56846EX/EX-7.50
Simon PaulPaul Simon in Concert: Live Rhymin' LPCBSS 69059EX/EX7.50
Simon PaulPaul Simon (UK) *LPCBSS 69007VG+/EX12
Simple MindsBallad of the Streets (GER)12 INCH 45Virgin611 998EX-/VG+3
Simple MindsEmpires and Dance (ri) (FIN)LPVirginV 2247EX-/EX-12
Simple MindsKick It in (GER)12 INCH 45Virgin612 495EX-/M-5
Simple MindsLife in a Day (ri) (UK)LPVirginVM 6EX/EX-7
Simple MindsReal to Real Cacophony (ri) (GER)LPVirgin204 938VG+/VG+7
Simple MindsSister Feelings Call (UK)LPVirginOVED 2EX-/M-10
Simple MindsSparkle in the Rain (UK)LPVirginV 2300EX-/M-10
Simple MindsThe Amsterdam E.P. (GER)12 INCH 45Virgin612 887EX-/M-5
Simple MindsThis Is Your Land (GER)12 INCH 45Virgin612 240EX-/EX4.50
Sinners Les? (Question Mark) (US)LPChelseaCHL 511EX-/EX8
Sir Douglas QuintetQuintessence (UK)LPSonetSNTF 881M-/M-9
Sir Douglas QuintetRio Medina (SWELPSonetSNTF 912EX/EX8
Sir Henry and His ButlersAnnie Got a Date / Like a Rose (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DD 831 (6E 006 37108)EX-/EX-10
Sir Henry and His ButlersCamp / Pretty Style (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DD 799EX/M-20
Sir Henry and His ButlersMarianne / Hucklebuck (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DD 788VG+/EX-12
Sir Henry and His ButlersMr. Joyful / Sweet Dreams (of You) (45Columbia (EMI)DD 793VG+/EX-12
Sir Henry and His ButlersNewspaper / I Got to Do Do (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DD 844 (6E 006 37215)EX/EX-8
Sir Henry and His ButlersWhite Christmas / Jingle Bells45Columbia (EMI)DD 776EX-/EX-10
Sir Henry and His ButlersWhite Christmas / Jingle Bells (DEN)45Columbia (EMI)DD 776EX-/EX-15
SkagarackSkagarack (GER)LPPolydor829 446-1M-/EX9
SkaldowieSkaldowie (mono) (POL)LPPronitXL 0393VG/VG+25
SkidsDays in Europa (UK) *LPVirginV 2138EX/EX15
SkidsWorking for the Yankee Dollar / Vang45VirginVS 306VG/VG2
SkorpioKelj fel! (HUN)LPPepitaSLPX 17512EX/EX12
SkorpioZene tiz hurra es egy dobosra (HUN)LPPepitaSLPX 17666EX-/VG5
Skubikowski JacekJacek Skubikowski (POL)LPSavitorSVT 005VG+/EX6
SkyboysSkyboys (GER)LPFirst American6.24434M-/M-5
SkylarkSkylark (UK)LPCapitolE-ST 11048EX-/EX-7
Slade7 Year Bitch / Leave Them Girls Alon45RCA VictorPB 68267EX-/EX-3.50
SlipknotIowa (2nd pressing) (GER)CDRoadrunner12 085642M-/EX5
SlipknotIowa (GER)CDRoadrunner12 085642M-/EX5
SlipknotSlipknot (GER)CDRoadrunnerRS 8655-8EX/EX5
SlipknotVol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) (HOLCDRoadrunnerRR 8388-8M-/EX5
SlitsTHE SLITS: In the Beginning There Wa45Y Records / Rough TrY1 / RT 039EX/EX22
SmackLook Around / Trust on You (FIN)45EdenES 871EX/EX27
Smash (ESP)<