| Prime Cuts | |
| Artist information: |
| Artist:
Robinson Smokey |
| Instrument(s):
Vocals | | Country:
U.S.A. | | Gender:
Male |
| Other info:
See also: Miracles |
| Record title:
Deep in My Soul (US) | | Price: (Euro)
6 |
| Main style:
Soul | | Substyle(s):
Pop, Rhythm & Blues, Soul |
| | |
| Record information: | | |
| Record Company/
Tamla | | Catalogue
T6-350S1 | Released
1977 | This copy:
(if not orig.)
| | | | | |
| Cover made in:
U.S.A. | | Record made in:
U.S.A. | Media:
Album | Sub media:
LP |
| | | | | |
| Condition/
VG | | Condition/
EX | | |
| | | | | |
| Additional information about: | | |
| | | |
| Label: | | Cover: |
| Yellow and brown labels. Boxed Tamla picture logo at the top. | | Glossy single cover. Some surface wear on each side (> mainly > top & bottom > middle). Wear and light creases along the edges. A bit worn / creased corners. |
| | | |
| Record(s): | | Attachment: |
| | | |
| Other information & picture: |
| |
| A highly popular American singer, songwriter and record producer, born William Robinson, Jr. in 1940 in Detroit, Michigan. His 5th solo album, released in January 1977.